using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json; //Do not remove - Required for JObject
using Shinydocs.CognitiveToolkit.Scripting;
using CsvHelper;
using Shinydocs.CognitiveToolkit.Core.Models.Index;
using Shinydocs.CognitiveToolkit.Core.Tools.ScrollTools.RunScript;

public class ImportCsv : IScript
	private static string Version = "2.6.0";
	private readonly ScriptLogger _log = new ScriptLogger();

	private string _indexName;
	private string _serverUrl;
	private string _fieldName;
	private string _fieldValue;

	private string[] _idFields; // comma separated list of fields to create the id from
	private int _threads;
	private int _nodesPerRequest;
	private RunScriptDocumentUpdater _documentUpdater;
	private string _csvFile;

	public void SetUp(string[] arguments)
		_log.Information(string.Format("Using version {0}", Version));
		Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Using version {0}", Version));
			Dictionary<string, string> options;

			// OptionsParser will parse an array of arguments into a dictionary of flags and values
			if (OptionsParser.TryParse(arguments, out options))
				OptionsParser.ParseStandardOptions(options, out _serverUrl, out _indexName, out _threads, out _nodesPerRequest);
				if (!options.TryGetValue("--csv", out _csvFile)) OptionsParser.InputError("The path to csv (--csv) is a required parameter");
				_fieldName = options["--fieldName"];
				_fieldValue = options["--fieldValue"];
				_idFields = options["--idFields"].Split(',').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
				foreach (var id in _idFields)
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
						throw new Exception("Field should not be empty");
				_documentUpdater = new RunScriptDocumentUpdater(_serverUrl, _indexName, null, _nodesPerRequest, _threads);
				_log.Information((string.Format("ImportCsv tool setup method -u {0}, -i {1}, --filePath{2}, --fieldName{3}, --fieldValue{4}, --idField{5}",
					 _serverUrl, _indexName, _csvFile, _fieldName, _fieldValue, _idFields)));
				throw new ArgumentException("Failed to parse arguments");
		catch (Exception)
			Console.WriteLine("ImportCsv tool requires the following parameters -u for Index server Url, -i for IndexName, --fieldName for the field name," +
							  " --fieldValue for the field value, --idField for unique identifier and --filePath for the CSV file path ");

	public void Run()
		Console.WriteLine("ImportCsv: Running ...");


	private static string CamelCase(string text, IDictionary<string, string> replacements)
		foreach (var replacement in replacements) //will replace the key with appropriate value provided in the function
			text = text.Replace(replacement.Key, replacement.Value);

		var first = text.Split(' ').First().ToLowerInvariant();
		var textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
		var titleCase = textInfo.ToTitleCase(text.Trim());
		var noSpaces = titleCase.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
		if (noSpaces.Length == 1) return text;

		var camelCase = first + noSpaces.Substring(first.Length);
		return camelCase;

	public void UpdateCsv(string CsvFilePath) //will update the document in index
		var replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>()
			{"#", "Number"}
		using (var reader = new StreamReader(CsvFilePath))
			using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, false))
				csv.Configuration.PrepareHeaderForMatch = (string header, int index) => CamelCase(header, replacements);
				var records = csv.GetRecords<dynamic>();

				if (records == null)

				var bulkUpdateDocuments = new List<IDocument>();
				HashAlgorithm hash = SHA256.Create();
				foreach (var record in records)
					var doc = record as IDictionary<string, object>;
					if (doc == null)

					var idFieldValues = doc
						.Where(pair => _idFields.Contains(pair.Key))
						.OrderBy(pair => pair.Key)
						.Select(v => v.Value.ToString())

					if (idFieldValues.Count() != _idFields.Length)
						throw new Exception("Fields don't exist");
					var joinValues = string.Join("", idFieldValues);
					var byteArray = hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(joinValues));
					var builder = new StringBuilder();

					for (int i = 0; i < byteArray.Length; i++)

					var documentId = builder.ToString();
					var bulkUpdateDocument = new BulkUpdateDocument(documentId, _indexName) { Document = doc };

					bulkUpdateDocument.Document.Add(_fieldName, _fieldValue);
					bulkUpdateDocument.Document.Add("cogToolKitImportDate", DateTime.Now);


	public void TearDown()
