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Connecting OpenText™ Content Server to Shinydocs Cognitive Suite

Ensure that Shinydocs Cognitive Suite has been installed. If not, refer to Installing and Upgrading Cognitive Suite.

If you wish to apply Shinydocs Cognitive Suite capabilities to your OpenText Content Server installation, you will need to connect Shinydocs Cognitive Suite to your Content Server instance.

In order to enable communication with OpenText Content Server:

  1. Tomcat is required to host CWS (Opentext) and SD-CSWS (Shinydocs)

  2. Shinydrive Content Server Module must be installed

Note: If your use case is to only crawl Content Server for metadata and categories, Tomcat is NOT required.

Apache Tomcat

  1. Download and install the Tomcat “32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer”

  2. Proceed through the installation. The default installation settings are fine, you may change them later if

  3. Run {tomcat-home}\bin\ tomcatw.exe which will load the configuration app for Tomcat

  4. Select the ‘ Java ’ tab

  5. Update the Tomcat Maximum memory pool. We recommend a value of 8192 MB, if
    migrating files up to 1.2 GB; and 10240 MB, if migrating files up to 4 GB. If you need to
    migrate files larger than 4 GB, please contact Shinydocs HelpDesk to enquire about
    additional settings and configuration.

Apache Tomcat - CWS + Middleware

  1. Copy the OpenText cws.war file (found in the installed Content Server folders) to your
    ‘{tomcat=home}\webapps’ directory. The cws.war file will be deployed by Tomcat.
    a. If you are not using localhost for Tomcat, update the …\webapps\cws\WEB-INF\web.xml file
    "localhost" reference. This should use the FQDN or IP of the machine running
    Content Server.
    Port Number may need to be adjusted if your Content Server is configured outside the default parameters.

  2. If the following is not bundled with the cws.war file. By following the same steps above, the following war files are required too.

    • cs-services-classifications.war

    • cs-services-physicalobjects.war

    • cs-services-recordsmanagement.war

    • cs-services-rmsecmanagement.war

  3. Copy the sd-csws.war file from our downloaded Shinydrive Suite zipper (located in the
    …\contentserver-module folder) to your ‘{tomcat=home}\webapps’ directory. The
    sd-csws.war file will be deployed by Tomcat.

Note that this will need to be installed in the same Tomcat directory that cws.war is

a. If you are not using localhost for Tomcat, update the …/sd-csws/WEB-INF/web.xml file
"localhost" reference. This should use the FQDN or IP and Port of the machine running
Content Server and be the exact same as done with CWS in Step 1.

  1. Restart Tomcat, if changes to "localhost" were made.

Content Server Module

  1. Copy the appropriate “Shinyservice” TAR or ZIP file (for your Content Server version - i.e.
    CS10.5 or CS16). Extract this zipper to your Content Server Staging folder.

  2. Follow the normal process for installing a new module on Content Server.

Note: Content Server will need to be restarted.

Content Server 16.2.7 and above

OpenText Content Server has published a recent update that uses OpenJDK Java 11. Java 11 does not include JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework. A workaround for this issue has been found.

Please follow the below link for instructions of how to implement this workaround.

Connecting to Content Server 16.2.7 (and above) with Java 11

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