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Capturing performance metrics on Analytics Engine machines for Shinydocs Support

When running the Analytics Engine on a single node or in a cluster, there may come a time where the performance of the cluster/node needs to be analyzed by Shinydocs Support. Windows has a built-in performance monitor that is useful to use along with VM host-level performance metrics. This guide will show you how to capture these metrics to send to Shinydocs.

What is needed?

  1. Windows OS

  2. Preconfigured Data Collector Set template

The preconfigured Data Collector Set template can be downloaded here:


SHA-1: 68536146324657EC74AF9A3ADDAD90D2CF84E99F

What is recorded?

This perfmon or Performance Monitor template is configured to log the following metrics:

\Memory\Available MBytes
\Network Adapter(*)\Bytes Total/sec
\Processor Performance(*)\% of Maximum Frequency
\System\Processor Queue Length
\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
\Paging File(*)\*

Setup Steps

  1. After downloading ShinyPerfmonConfig.xml, copy it to the machine(s) you need to capture performance metrics on.

  2. Open Windows Performance monitor

    1. Windows Key + Rperfmon OK

      image of Windows run panel with perfmon entered in the Open field

      Windows Run

  3. With Performance Monitor now open, click to drop-down Data Collector Sets

  4. Right-click User Defined > New > Data Collector Set

  5. Give the collection a name and check “Create from template (recommended)”, click Next

  6. On “Which template would you like to use”, click Browse → find “ShinyPerfmonConfig.xml” and click Open

  7. Click Next

  8. Specify where the logs will be saved and click Next

  9. You can change the “Run as” user if needed. You would likely only need to change this if there are special restrictions on your account that would prevent you from capturing these metrics

  10. Select “Save and close” and click Finish

Capture Steps

Once setup has been completed on each machine, you can start capturing the data.

  1. In Perfomance Monitor, select Data Collector Sets > User Defined > ShinyPerformanceMonitor

  2. Prepare to run necessary tests to capture performance metrics

  3. Click the Play button in the toolbar

  4. Metrics recording has begun! Now, start your testing!

  5. To stop the collection (after at least 10 seconds), click the stop button in the toolbar

Report Steps

Once you have collected the data from previous steps, you are now ready to review and send a copy of the data.

  1. In Perfomance Monitor, click to drop down Reports

  2. Click to drop down User Defined and click on ShinyPerfoamanceMonitor. You will see the available reports from this data collection set on the right panel. The first part of the name will be the machine’s name

  3. Double click the report to view the data

  4. When ready to send data to Shinydocs, right-click on the report in the file tree in the left panel > view > folder

  5. The ShinyPerfmon.blg file will now appear in the right panel. This file can be copied to wherever you need to upload the file to Shinydocs Support

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