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Cognitive Toolkit (03.2023)

Here is where you will find information on feature enhancements and fixed issues that are part of the Cognitive Toolkit (March 2023) release.

Fixed Issues

CrawlExchange/CrawlExchangeOnline - problem with calls


Previously, Microsoft® throttling policies were negatively impacting the CrawlExchange and CrawlExchangeOnline operations. Investigation uncovered two issues:

  • Throttling policies limited the number of returned users, resulting in the following error: 

The server cannot service this request right now. Try again later.

  • OAuth tokens expired in 1 hour, which caused the crawl to stop, resulting in the following error:

The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401)

Both these issues have been successfully addressed and the CrawlExchange and CrawlExchangeOnline operations are now functioning as expected.

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