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Installing and Upgrading Cognitive Suite

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The Shinydocs Cognitive Suite installation involves the following components:

  1. Search Engine and Dashboards

  2. Cognitive Toolkit, Cognitive Resources

  3. Extraction Service

Hardware Prerequisites

The Shinydocs Cognitive Toolkit is your data worker, these machines are separate from the Search Engines and have different requirements. In most cases, more Cognitive Toolkit machines will improve throughput.

For information on hardware and software prerequisites, see Cognitive Suite Requirements.

Before you begin

Cognitive Toolkit requires a license. Please reach out to your account manager or support to secure a download link for your license file.

Download the following files from our Egnyte file share or contact your support representative:

Cognitive Toolkit

shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-[version]-[date].zip (link)

Cognitive Toolkit Resources

shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-resources-<version>.zip (link)

Shinydocs Extraction Service

shinydocs-extraction-<version>.msi (link)

Analytics Engine

shinydocs-search-installer<version>.msi (link)

Data Visualizer

shinydocs-dashboards-version>.exe (link)

It is recommended that the software is deployed to a non-OS drive, like an Apps drive (i.e. E:\Shinydocs). The downloaded files might be placed in E:\Software, for example. Do not use the default installation, (i.e. without parameters or by double-clicking on the installers) unless the default location in C:\Program Files\Shinydocs Professional is your preferred location, it is not recommended.

Installing the Shinydocs Search Engine

  1. Please ensure that you log into the server with the Service Account.

  2. Open a Command Prompt as the Administrator

  3. Locate the files downloaded (see above), we’ll presume these are in E:\Software and that the software will be installed into E:\Shinydocs. Navigate to E:\Software.

  4. Execute the following command from the Command Prompt:

msiexec /i shinydocs-search-installer-<version>.msi INSTALLFOLDER="e:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-search-engine"

Installing the Shinydocs Dashboards

  1. Please ensure that you log into the server with the Service Account.

  2. Open a Command Prompt as the Administrator

  3. Locate the files downloaded (see above), we’ll presume these are in E:\Software and that the software will be installed into E:\Shinydocs. Navigate to E:\Software.

  4. Execute the following command from the Command Prompt:

shinydocs-dashboards-<version>.exe InstallFolder="e:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-dashboards"

Installing the Shinydocs Extractor

The Shinydocs Extractor is best accommodated on the same system as the Cognitive Toolkit
is deployed on.

  1. Please ensure that you log into the server with the Service Account.

  2. Open a Command Prompt as the Administrator

  3. Locate the files downloaded (see above), we’ll presume these are in E:\Software and that the software will be installed into E:\Shinydocs. Navigate to E:\Software.

  4. Execute the following command from the Command Prompt:

shinydocs-extraction-<version>.msi INSTALLFOLDER="e:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-extractor"

Installing the Shinydocs Cognitive Suite

The following instructions outline how to complete a fresh installation of Shinydocs Cognitive Suite. Typically all installs should be done on a non OS drive. Copy the Cognitive Toolkit .zip files to the E:\Shinydocs location.

Cognitive Toolkit

  1. Right-click the Cognitive Toolkit (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-[version]-[date].zip) zip file and select Properties. 

  2. Under the General tab, select Unblock and then select Apply.                     

  3. Right-click on the Cognitive Toolkit (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-[version]-[date].zip) zip file and select Extract All.

Note the location to which you extract the Cognitive Toolkit. The Cognitive Toolkit Resources will be extracted to this folder location in the next step.

Cognitive Toolkit Resources

  1. Right-click the Cognitive Toolkit Resources (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-resources-[version]-[date].zip) zip file and select Properties. 

  2. Under the General tab, select Unblock and then select Apply.                     

  3. Right-click on the Cognitive Toolkit Resources (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-resources-[version]-[date].zip) zip file. Select Extract All... and unzip the file into the same folder location the Cognitive Toolkit was extracted. 

  4. The Cognitive Toolkit folder now has 2 sub-folders: External Resources and Scripts.

Success! You’ve installed the Shinydocs Cognitive Suite!

What’s next? Get started by Activating the Cognitive Toolkit License.

Advanced Configurations

  1. Allocating more heap space to the analytics engine jvm:

    1. From the Command Prompt, navigate to E:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-search-engine\bin

    2. start the Shinydocs Search Engine Properties using this command:
      opensearch-service-mgr.exe //ES//shinydocs-search-engine


    3. Selecting the Java tab on this dialog, you may change the Initial memory pool and Maximum memory pool values to suit your requirements. On a server with 64Gb of RAM a value of 28000 or 28Gb is reasonable.

  2. The following configurations are located in the opensearch.yml file located in E:\Shinydocs\opensearch-search-engine\config

    1. Line 17 -

      1. Remove the comment character # at the beginning of the line

      2. Replace my-application with a name for your cluster (e.g. acme-analytics)

        1. This name will need to be the exact same on every node in the cluster

    2. Line 23 -

      1. Remove the comment character # at the beginning of the line

      2. Replace node-1 with a unique name for this machine. This will be the name reported on the Monitoring page of the Dashboards. Using the server's name is a good choice!

    3. Line 43 - bootstrap.memory_lock

      1. Remove the comment character # at the beginning of the line

      2. Keep the value true

    4. Line 55 - This is important when the search engine is separated from the Cognitive Toolkit server, or if Visualizer is accessed remotely from the server the search engine is installed on.

      1. Remove the comment character # at the beginning of the line

      2. Generally, the easiest value to set to is meaning that it will bind on all network interfaces on the machine.

      3. If this line is not modified, the index and Dashboards will not be accessible outside of the local machine.

      4. Subsequent this change, to satisfy security requirements of opensearch, add a line (56) reading

        discovery.type: single-node
  3. If you are configuring a cluster of servers, please see our guide on Cluster Setup for Analytics Engine (Shinydocs Indexer)

  4. Save the file and restart the Shinydocs Indexer service for your changes to take effect

  5. To reach the visualizer from a different machine, you will need to edit the opensearch-dashboards.yml file:

    1. opensearch-dashboards.yml file located in E:\Shinydocs\opensearch-dashboards\config

    2. Line 7 - server.port

    3. Remove the comment character # at the beginning of the line

    4. Line 14 -

    5. Remove the comment character # at the beginning of the line

    6. Set the to ""

    7. Save the file and restart the Shinydocs Dashboards service for your changes to take effect

  6. In your web-browser, verify you are able to access the following web pages:

    1. http://localhost:9200 : Indexer - will return a JSON file if working normally

    2. http://localhost:5601 : Visualizer - will load Shinydocs Analytics



The following instructions outline how to upgrade an existing version of Shinydocs Cognitive Suite to a newer version.

Cognitive Toolkit

  1. Right-click the Cognitive Toolkit (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-[version]-[date].zip) zip file and select Properties. 

  2. Under the General tab, select Unblock and then select Apply.                     

  3. Right-click on the Cognitive Toolkit (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-[version]-[date].zip) zip file and select Extract All... 

  4. When selecting the extraction location, overwrite the old Cognitive Toolkit directory with this new one.

Note the location to which you extract the Cognitive Toolkit. The Cognitive Toolkit Resources will be extracted to this folder location in the next step.

Cognitive Toolkit Resources

Make a copy of your source settings files BEFORE updating your Resources. If source settings files are updated, you will need to copy your existing authentication values to the new source settings files

If you use the SaveValue operation in the Cognitive Toolkit and have a saved-parameters.yaml file for encrypted passwords, ensure that file is not deleted. If it was previously stored within the old Cognitive Toolkit folder, it will need to be re-saved to the same location within the new folder.

  1. Right-click the Cognitive Toolkit Resources (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-resources-[version].zip) zip file and select Properties. 

  2. Under the General tab, select Unblock and then select Apply.                     

  3. Right-click on the Cognitive Toolkit Resources (shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-resources-[version].zip) zip file. Select Extract All... and unzip the file into the same folder location the Cognitive Toolkit was extracted. 

  4. When selecting the extraction location, overwrite the old shinydocs-cognitive-toolkit-resources with this new one.

  5. The Cognitive Toolkit folder now has 2 sub-folders: External Resources and Scripts.

  6. If source settings files are updated, copy your existing authentication values to the new source settings files

Congratulations! You have completed the upgrade of the Cognitive Toolkit portion of the Shinydocs Cognitive Suite

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