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Shinydocs MicroStation Add-in Installation Manual


You have engineering drawings (.dwg and/or .dgn file extension) from which you want to extract text. Via an integration with Bentley MicroStation CONNECT Edition (64 bit), you may extract text and title block information from native (digital) engineering drawings (.dwg and/or .dgn file extension).

Software Requirements

Before installing the Shinydocs MicroStation Add-in , please ensure that the following software has been setup:

Shinydocs Cognitive Suite and Bentley MicroStation CONNECT Edition (64-bit) need to be installed on the same machine.



1. Download shinydocs-microstation-addin[version].zip

The zipper contains the following 2 files:

  • ShinydocsMicroStatiornAddin.dll

  • ShinydocsMicroStationAddin.dll.config

2. Extract the shinydocs-microstation-addin[version].zip to the MicroStation>Mdlapps folder.

Edit the ShinydocsMicroStationAddin.dll.config file with an editing tool such as Notepad++, if you wish to edit or change the location for storing your log files.

Congratulations! The MicroStation add-in is ready to be used! To learn how to add extracted text from engineering documents, see Running AddExtractedTextFromEngineeringDrawings

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