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Configuring Microsoft On Premise settings

Discovery Search can connect to indices created from SharePoint® 2010, SharePoint 2013, and Exchange® deployments.

Accessing Microsoft On-Premise settings

  1. Open the Discovery Search Administration site

  2. Navigate to Application settings from the side menu, under Setup

  3. Select Microsoft On Premise settings

Configuring Discovery Search with SharePoint

  1. Enter the SharePoint site address in SharePoint site URL

  2. Update the number of index items that are permission checked upon retrieval from the index in Permission chunk size

  3. Save changes

  4. Restart the Discovery Search application in IIS

Validating the integration of SharePoint with Discovery Search

An index of the SharePoint data must exist before Discovery Search can be used to find documents. Ensure a crawl with Shinydocs™ Cognitive Toolkit against the SharePoint instance has been completed before testing.

  1. Open Discovery Search

  2. Execute a search from the Discovery Search bar for items that are in your instance of SharePoint

Configuring Discovery Search with Exchange

To improve Search performance and to enforce user permission-based access to content, we recommend adding an Exchange index. Ensure a crawl with Shinydocs™ Cognitive Toolkit 2.10 or later has been run against the Exchange instance and an index has been created.

  1. In the Exchange section, enter the URL of your Exchange instance

  2. Update the number of index items that are permission checked upon retrieval from the index in Permission chunk size

  3. (optional) Under Email filtered indices, click + Add Index

  4. Enter the name of an Exchange index

  5. Save changes

  6. Restart the Discovery Search application in IIS

Validating the integration of Exchange with Discovery Search

  1. Open Discovery Search

  2. Execute a search in Discovery Search for emails that are in your instance of Exchange and that you own

You will be prompted to log into Outlook if you are not already.

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