Discovery Search 1.11.1 (August 2023)
New features, feature enhancements, and fixed issues that are part of the Discovery Search 1.11.1 (August 2023) release.
What’s New?
Discovery Search 1.11.1 includes three new features:
OneDrive support
email attachment previewing
French Canadian language support
New Features
OneDrive support
OneDrive items are now searchable and available for preview!
How to enable
Administrators must create an index with OneDrive documents from individual or corporate accounts. Connect this index to Discovery Search as a Source in Roles then add the index in Microsoft Online Settings under the OneDrive section.
Owners of items can search for and preview items from the configured source. Log into OneDrive or complete the login process when prompted.
Please read Configuring Microsoft Online Settings for more information.
Users will only be able to search for owned items. Other items, including shared, will not be returned in search results unless they are owned by the user.
Email attachment previewing
We introduced email and email attachment searchability with the previous Discovery Search release (1.11.0). That feature allows users to search for emails and email attachments but could only preview emails. With this release, users can now preview email attachments.
How to enable
This feature is enabled by default. Note that the Enrichment view must be off to access the Previewer. In search results, select the result card of an email attachment. The attachment is rendered in the Previewer.
French Canadian language support
You now have control over which language, English or French Canadian, that the Discovery Search interface renders in. All menus, menu options, and user preferences are addressed by this feature. You have the option of either selecting the language or selecting the Browser language.
How to enable
Browser Language is the default setting of this feature. You can override this by opening the Preferences menu under your Profile in the top right corner. Select English or Français (Canadian) under Choose preferred language. Set it back to Browser Language any time. Supported browsers include Chrome, Firefox, and Edge for Windows.
Expanded Logging to the Audit Index
The Discovery Search Audit Index (discovery-audit) contains records of actions and updates made by users. Typical data written to this index includes user identity, document identity, document index, and date/time. Reporting actions performed by users are now written to this index also.
How to enable
When a user reports a document, a record of the action is automatically written to an audit index, including who reported it, which document was reported, when was it reported, and the reason the user selected when reporting it. Please read Viewing the Discovery Search Audit Index for more details.
Enrichment View Usability
We have implemented some small updates to increase the intuitiveness of the Enrichment view feature, available on the search results page.
How to enable
We relocated the Enrichment view toggle to the top right corner, near the user profile menu.
Previously, selecting All was restricted to a limit of 50 items. We have increased the limit to 200, allowing for a larger bulk edit of metadata. This limit remains restricted by the number of items loaded on the page. For example, if 250 items are loaded, selecting All means 200 items are selected. If 30 items are loaded on the page and you select All, only 30 items are selected.
Known Issues
The Custom option in the calendar picker appears to add a day to date ranges
An extra day appears to be added to a selected date range when using the Custom option in the calendar picker on the User Analytics and the Search Analytics dashboard pages. For example, when you select from June 29 to July 11, the last date displayed is July 12. Note that this defect lies with the display only. The data that is returned on the dashboard falls within the selected date range.
What’s Coming?
We have been working on a major user interface upgrade, making it easier and more intuitive for users to navigate. We are looking forward to unveiling our new look with Discovery Search 1.12.0! Stay tuned for more user experience improvements, also in the works.