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Ex02 – path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters


Migration stops unexpectedly with an error message indicating the path is empty, contains only spaces, or contains one or more invalid characters.

Report Error Message

If you are using .NET Framework or .NET Core versions older than 2.1, the path you provided is either empty, contains only spaces, or includes one or more characters that are not allowed.

Windows Error Message

path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.


You are using .NET Framework or .NET Core versions older than 2.1 and the path you provided is either empty, contains only spaces, or includes one or more characters that are not allowed.


Correct any invalid characters in the path. Examples of invalid characters are: " * : < > ? |. Leading and trailing spaces in file or folder names also aren't allowed.

Query for invalid characters using the GetInvalidPathChars() method.

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