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Automation Suite Known Issues

Automation Review

The following items are known issues:

Related Product Version(s)

Issue Summary



The Document Properties panel sometimes renders empty: When data is removed from the Classification field using the keyboard backspace bar, the Document Properties pane sometimes renders empty. (Ref. AUTO-606)

Planned Fix


The Classifications field in the Document Properties panel is not always populated: The Classifications field is a required field; however, not all documents have a Classification value that Automation can pull from a Content Server. (Ref. AUTO-611)

Planned Fix


Filters on the Documents ready for review page can appear to stop working: This scenario may arise when there are multiple pages displaying documents that are ready for review. In this case, filtering appears to stop working a filtered search is performed on a page that does not list the item being looked for. (Ref. AUTO-662)

Planned Fix


Some values in the Classifications dropdown appear to be duplicated in the Document Properties panel:

Root causes include:

  • The full path to the value is missing

  • The value name, including the tailing differentiator, is wider than the Classifications dropdown

(Ref. AUTO-667)

Planned Fix


Some fields in the Document Properties panel are awkward to edit: The user experience while selecting from a list of multiple values for some fields in the Document Properties can be difficult. (Ref. AUTO-668)

Planned Fix

Automation Workflow

The following items are known issues:

Related Product Version(s)

Issue Summary


2.3.2 +

When upgrading or running the workflow installer a second time the service account configuration prompt does not show.

Planned Fix

The fulltext operation does not have a character limit and performance can be impacted with character counts above 30,000.

Planned Fix

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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