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Cognitive Toolkit April 2022/2.7.0 Release Notes


Product: Cognitive Toolkit

Version: 2.7.0

Date: April 18, 2022

Package: (available from your customer Collab Space)


  • Migrate Content Server to SharePointOnline via REST: The functionality of our universal Migrate tool has been enhanced to support migration from Content Server to SharePointOnline via REST. Document types are supported (along with supporting metadata, including creation & last modified dates, categories & attributes, CS classifications, CS RM classifications and versions). See --help for Migrate for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-2113)

  • Migrate Content Server to Content Server via REST: The functionality of our universal Migrate tool has been enhanced to support migration from one Content Server to another Content Server via REST. Document types are supported (along with supporting metadata, including creation & last modified dates, categories & attributes, CS classifications, CS RM classifications and versions). See --help for Migrate for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-2451, CT-2452, CT-2453, CT-2454, CT-2455)

  • Crawl File System - Option to Check Validation: The CrawlFileSystem tool has been improved to provide the option to check if items still exists on the file system, and if not mark such items as path-valid: false. To enable this, specify the --validate option when crawling. (Ref: CT-265)

  • Export from Index - Split CSV Based on Rows: The ExportFromIndex tool has been improved to support the splitting of the exported data to be limited by a number of rows. The --row-limit option has been added, which is the number of rows to specify (e.g. --row-limit 100000). If not specified, the default is 0, which has no limit on the number of rows exported. (Ref: CT-2343)

  • Zero Byte File Hashing Improvement: The AddHashAndExtractedText tool has been improved so that it no longer hashes zero byte files. Instead, when the tool is hashing such files, the field zero-byte is created and set to "true" in the Analytics Engine. Note that the Visualization for showing this (Number of Files with Hash) was also updated, which can be seen on the Progress dashboard. (Ref: CT-2476, CT-2774)

  • Enable or Disable Extracting PDF Metadata: The AddHashAndExtracted text tool has been improved to enable (or disable) the extraction of PDF metadata (such as page count). There is a new field called AddPdfMetadata in CognitiveToolkit.exe.config that accepts a true/false. The default is false. (Ref: CT-2185)

  • Content Server Workflow Support: The Cognitive Toolkit now includes a tool that can crawl Content Server Workflows. See --help for CrawlContentServerWorkflows for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-1420)

  • Add Content Server Property Data - Change Support: The AddPropertyData tool has been improved to account for changes as found on Content Server for adds/changes or deletes to Content Server categories & attributes. See --help for AddPropertyData for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-2506)

  • Add Extracted Text From Engineering Drawings: We are pleased to announce that via an integration with Bentley MicroStation (32 bit) we are able to extract text and title block information from native (digital) engineering drawings (.dwg and/or .dgn file extension). See our Help Desk for installation & configuration instructions. See --help for AddExtractedTextFromEngineeringDrawings for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-2093)

  • Scan Sharepoint On Premise farm: Users can now scan on premise Sharepoint farms by leveraging the --site-collection command. See --help for SiteCollection for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-2790)


  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with CrawlContentServer where the Analytics Engine fields creationTimeUtc and lastWriteTimeUtc were not being converted to UTC. (Ref: CT-2733)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with the Migrate (to Content Server) tool where the wrong mime type was being set for .CSV files. (Ref: CT-2803)

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