Cognitive Toolkit December 2019/ Release Notes
Product: Cognitive Toolkit
Date: December 20, 2019
Better Data Validation for Migration from SharePoint to Content Server: Various improvements were made for better data handling when migrating from SharePoint to Content Server, including custom columns, owner information, and dates. (Ref: CT-521, CT-610, CT-633)
Add Document Library Name for SharePoint Crawls: The document library name is now added to SharePoint crawls for easier identification. (Ref: CT-546)
Email Improvements for Crawling and Migration: Various improvements to better handle email objects that are crawled, indexed and migrated into Content Server. (Ref: CT-563, CT-609)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue, when migrating to Content Server, where the maximum size quota for incoming messages was exceeded. (Ref: CT-542)
Bug Fix: Fixed issues with version and creation dates when the server is in a different time zone when doing a migration into Content Server. (Ref: CT-572)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue when migrating from SharePoint to Content Server when versions in subsites are involved. (Ref: CT-597)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where when using the AddExtractedText tool with the “–max-characters” parameter, documents with fewer characters than this value would fail to text extract. (Ref: CT-681)