Content Server “Shinydocs Service” Module January 2022/1.6.9
Product: Content Server “Shinydocs Service” Module (CS 16.2, CS 20.x, CS 21.x)
Version: 1.6.9
Date: January 31, 2022
Package: (available from your customer Collab Space)
Content Server 20.4 (and later) Email Support: Improvements were made to the Shinydocs Service module to account to changes in Content Server 20.4 (and later) which changed how email objects are created in Content Server. (Ref: SHMOD-24)
Cognitive Toolkit Update Properties Support: Changes were made to the Shinydocs Service module to support the Cognitive Toolkit UpdateProperties tool that can be used to update property data on your ECM via the REST API. (Ref: SHMOD-32)
Date Formatting: We are now utilizing the CS API to select correct date format, based on database used (Ref: SHMOD-21)
Duplicate File Numbering: Duplicate files will be added as a new document with appended number of the copy to the document name rather than adding as a version of the file. (Ref: SHMOD-7)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with the Cognitive Toolkit Migrate tool, where when migrating to Content Server, characters such as blanks (e.g.: ” “) in the name were causing the file name in Content Server to be set incorrectly. (Ref: SHMOD-31)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where email files (.msg, .eml) could not properly initialize with CS20.4. (Ref: SHMOD-24)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Table Key Lookup values could not be fetched on an older version of Content Server (16.0.3 or older). (Ref: SD-4009)