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Shinydocs MicroStation Add-in July 2021/1.2.0

Product: Shinydocs MicroStation Add-in

Version: 1.2.0

Date: July 26, 2021

  • Shinydocs MicroStation Add-in: We are now shipping with a separate zipper (shinydocs-microstation-addin- that contains the middleware (dll) that connects the Cognitive Toolkit to Bentley MicroStation CONNECT Edition (64 bit) for extracting text and title block information from native (digital) engineering drawings (.dwg and/or .dgn file extension).

  • Add Extracted Text From Engineering Drawings: We are pleased to announce that via an integration with Bentley MicroStation (64 bit) we are able to extract text and title block information from native (digital) engineering drawings (.dwg and/or .dgn file extension). See –help for AddExtractedTextFromEngineeringDrawings for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-1925)

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