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Shinydrive (March 2022)

Product: Shinydrive Server


Date: March 16, 2021

  • Aggregate Drives: Shinydrive is now able to support the use of aggregate drives in parallel with Multi-authentication. Aggregate drives can only be utilized with one content source, meaning you cannot mix content sources when creating the drive. (Ref: SD-3307, SD-4142, SD-4143, SD-4145, SD-3044)

Product: Shinydrive Windows Client


  • 4 Digit Install Component Recognition: Our installer now recognizes version changes up to 4 digit points, which drastically improves the experience when upgrading to the latest version of Shinydrive. (Ref: SD-2863)

  • Deleted Items: Shinydrive will now only display this feature within the right-click menu options when an application has attempted and been unsuccessful at deleting a file. This feature enables you to retry the deletion processes. This feature does not act as a recycling bin, meaning successfully deleted content will not appear. (Ref: SD-4144)

  • Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where a Documentum file set with read only permissions could not be opened while having the Office add-in installed. (Ref: SD-3842)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where editing a .pdf using Power PDF would corrupt the file. (Ref: SD-4063)

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