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Shinydrive Server + Client January 2018/2.1.0 Release Notes

Product: Shinydrive Server

Version: 2.1.0

Date: January 29, 2018

  • UNC Path Support: Shinydrive now supports UNC Paths for Drives. When adding a Drive via the v2 Shinydrive Admin Panel, in Advanced Settings, if you want to set up a Drive with a UNC path, check off the applicable checkbox and enter the desired name of the UNC Path Drive. (Ref: SD-2222)

  • Localization (Japanese) Update: Made improvements with regard to Japanese localization. (Ref: SD-2441)

  • HPEL: Set and Table Key Lookup Values: Added values contained in Sets and Table Key Lookups to the full text that is recorded in the HPEL index. (Ref: SD-2464)

  • HPEL: Updated Indexer Support: Update support for the HPEL Index so that it can run on the same version as is used for the Shinydrive Indexer. (Ref: SD-2278)

  • Bug Fix: HPEL: Fixed an issue with sending a “Report the issue” after a search. (Ref: SD-2507)

Product: Shinydrive Windows Client

Version: 1.3.0


  • UNC Path Support: Updates to the Windows Client to support UNC Paths – see Shinydrive Server description, above. (Ref: SD-2222)

  • Updated Drivers: Updates to the Windows Client to enable our Updated Drivers – see Shinydocs Drivers, above. (Ref: SD-2222, SD-2430)

  • Localization (Japanese) Update: Made improvements with regard to Japanese localization. (Ref: SD-2299)

  • Unblock Downloaded MSIs: As part of our Windows Client Installer, it now unblocks the MSIs before installing. (Ref: SD-2258)

  • Ability to Disable Large Directory Tray Warning Message: An Administrator is now able to disable the Tray Warning Message about loading large directories. See the Shinydrive Windows Client Installation page for details on how to enable this feature. (Ref: SD-2497)

  • Bug Fix: Implementation of the new drivers have fixed the issue found previously with the Windows Fall Creators Update (version 1709) on Windows 10 systems. (Ref: SD-2261)

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