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Shinydrive Server + Client June 2018/2.3.1 Release Notes

Product: Shinydrive Server

Version: 2.3.1

Date: June 19, 2018

  • Full Content Server Shortcut (Alias) Support: Implemented full support for Content Server Shortcuts both in the Windows and Web Interfaces. Note that this is now enabled via a checkbox in the v2 Shinydrive Server Admin Panel under Content Sources/Advanced Settings for the Content Server in question. (Ref: SD-1053)

    • Note: Be sure to delete the old Registry Keys for Shortcuts which are no longer needed: EnableShortcutSupport, ExperimentalFolderShortcutSupport

  • Documentum Default Document & Folder Types: Default Document & Folder Types for Documentum can now be set. Default values can be set via the v2 Shinydrive Server Admin Panel for the Drive in question. (Ref: SD-2755, SD-2768)

  • Improved inline documentation on Drive Advanced Settings Parameters: We have added inline documentation on such fields as “Cache Timeout” for example, that is displayed when you click in the field. (Ref: SD-2573)

  • HPEL “See More” Pagination: For High Performance Enterprise Library (Web app), more than 1,000 results can now be viewed via a “See More” button . (Ref: SD-2613)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an HPEL issue where were not able to sync more than 10,000 children in a parent folder. There is now no upper limit for this (other than the Windows O/S limit of about 300,000 objects children per folder) (Ref: SD-2951)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with regard to Categories & Attributes, when searching for Groups. (SD-2965)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with slightly inconsistent file sizes reported by Shinydrive vs. Content Server. (Ref: SD-1835)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed the error message displayed if you click on “Permissions” for an object within a Content Server Project object. (Ref: SD-2241)

Product: Shinydrive Windows Client

Version: 1.5.1


  • Offline Support: We now have full “offline” support for the Windows Client. Once enabled by a Registry Key (OfflineSupport = “true”), when you make files/folders in Shinydrive available offline, you can work from anywhere! (Ref: SD-999)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with slow connectivity or a dropped connection that may cause Shinydrive to become unresponsive. (Ref: SD-2848)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with Shinydrive drive sometimes being unmounted after a Windows sleep/wake-up. (Ref: SD-2660)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with German localization. (Ref: SD-2817, SD-3020)

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