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Product: Discovery Server


Date: December 13, 2021

  • Improved Search Precision: Improvements have been introduced to ensure that Discovery Search returns the correct number of search results. Specifically, Filters are now treated as exact matches for field types: radio, checkbox, autocomplete, dropdown and textfield. The IdentitityFilteredIndices.json file now uses a wildcard search to allow Administrators to make the search more generic. Shinydocs recommends that Administrators use path.keyword instead of path if they are entering a value other than <identity> due to the manner in which the Shinydocs Index tokenizes the path. (Ref: DISCO-624)

  • Improved Search Experience: Discovery Search no longer returns duplicate items twice when searching against 'Everywhere'. (Ref: DISCO-630)

  • Improved Search Filtering: Discovery Search Filters match the phrase exactly when another Filter has the same name which results in the user reliably seeing only results for their selected Filter. (Ref: DISCO-632, DISCO-634)

  • Improved Search Sorting: An issue has been addressed which would prevent the Sort feature from loading duplicate items in the search result set. (Ref: DISCO-638)

  • Improved Search Experience: An issue has been addressed which would prevent the SearchPageSize configuration option from correctly returning the expected number of search results to the page. (Ref: DISCO-639)

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