Version 2.1.0
Product: Cognitive Toolkit
Version: 2.1.0
Date: August 27, 2019
Crawl Content Server: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships with a tool for crawling Content Server, which leverages the Oracle database to pull metadata which is then stored in the Shinydocs Index. See –help for CrawlContentServer for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-136)
Crawl Microsoft Exchange: The Cognitive Toolkit how ships with a tool for crawling your Microsoft Exchange server for mailboxes or public folders. Single or multiple objects can be crawled. See –help for CrawlExchange for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-248)
Add Category Data: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships for a tool for adding Category (and Attribute) data to an already crawled Content Server Shinydocs Index. See –help for AddCategoryData for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-184)
Add Bread Crumbs: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships with a tool for adding Content Server “breadcrumbs” – also known as the “Hyperlinked Trail” Navigation Style – to an already crawled Content Server Shinydocs Index. See –help for AddBreadCrumbs for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-166)
Move Indexes: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships with a tool for moving an existing Shinydocs Index to a new Index, or can be used to merge multiple existing Indexes. The tool uses a query file to determine what particular items you want to move (including move all items). See –help for MoveIndex for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-172)
Add Path Validation: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships with a tool for verifying that the files in your Shinydocs Index still exist in the original path location on your File Share. In the event the file no longer exists in the expected location of the File share, the Shinydocs Index is updated with a new field value for easy identification. See –help for AddPathValidation for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-211)
Tag Duplicate Field: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships with a tool for checking if the value in a field is duplicated in the Shinydocs Index. This is normally used on the “hash” field so that you can subsequently filter the Index to only show duplicated files. See –help for TagDuplicateField for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-227)
Add Insight To First Hash: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships with a tool for finding and tagging the first (or last) record in the Shinydocs Index based on a field (this would typically be creationTimeUtc, lastAccessTimeUtc or lastWriteTimeUtc). This is normally done after you have run the TagDuplicateField Tool for finding duplicated fields in the Shinydocs Index (since then you can find the original/first created duplicated file). This information could then be used as part of your ROT identification process (to keep the “original” file of a duplicate, for example). See –help for AddInsightToFirstHash for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-266)
Dispose (Delete) Files on File Share: The Cognitive Toolkit now ships with a tool for deleting files directly from your File Share that you have tagged for deletion through your ROT identification process. See –help for Dispose for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-287)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the hash could not be calculated when being done via synchronous operations. (Ref: CT-289)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where text extracting a single file at a time was failing to complete. (Ref: CT-229)