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Version 2.3.9

Product: Cognitive Toolkit

Version: 2.3.9

Date: November 2, 2020

  • Azure Application Authentication for SharePoint Online and Exchange Online: The Cognitive Toolkit now supports authentication via an Azure Application ID and Secret, implemented via Source Setting files and encrypted ID’s via SaveParameter. If you need to authenticate via this method, please work with Shinydocs Professional Services, who will work with you as required in the configuration & setup of this use case. (Ref: CT-1281)

  • Dispose in SharePoint: The Dispose tool now supports SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013. –source-settings is used to specify the connector file (leave blank for file system). Supported sources are currently File System, Content Server and now SharePoint. See –help for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-1214)

  • Copy Items: The tool previously known as MoveIndex is now CopyItems. Generally the same functionality as before, however now there is a –remove option to remove items from the Index after they have been copied and a progress bar has been added. See –help for CopyItems for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-1311)

  • Consolidation of Tag Duplicates: The functionality in the tool previously known as TagPrimaryDuplicate is now integrated in the TagDuplicate tool. Use –tag-primary to indicate you wish to tag primary duplicates (along with –date-field to identify the field used to pick the primary and –sort-order to select ascending (default) or descending sort order). See –help for TagDuplicate for available parameters and options. (Ref: CT-1345)

  • Source Settings Naming Convention: We’ve improved various tools to be consistent in their use of referring to the source settings file. If you are using source settings, please use –help for that tool to determine if any changes are needed. (Ref: 1421)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue when crawling Exchange Online public folders, which was throwing an exception. (Ref: CT-1403)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with ExportFromIndex with the –calculate-master-option where the primary duplicate could not be identified. (Ref: CT-1402)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where when text extracting attachments via the AddHashAndExtractedTextFromExchange tool, hash values were not being calculated correctly. (Ref: CT-1412)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where email addresses were sometimes not properly extracted via the AddHashAndExtractedTextFromExchange tool. (Ref: CT-143)

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