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Updating the Workflow service

If you uninstall and reinstall Workflow, the previous appsettings-workflow.json file will be replaced with the default version.

To not lose any configured settings, before proceeding, it is strongly recommended that you back up the appsettings-workflow.json file located in the Workflow folder of the currently installed version.

The Workflow installer does not prompt for all property values in the appsettings-workflow.json file.

Updating to Workflow 2.5.0 from 2.4.1 or earlier

Workflow 2.4.1 and earlier had an appsettings.json file. Workflow 2.5.0 now ships with an appsetttings-workflow.json file. You must update this new JSON file with parameter values from the old one. We recommend backing up the older appsettings.json file, to keep it as a reference.

  1. Read Prerequisites for Shinydocs Review to determine if there are new prerequisites that should be installed

  2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Shinydocs\Automation Workflow

  3. Locate and back up the appsettings.json file of the older version of Workflow

  4. Download the latest version of Shinydocs Workflow

  5. Right-click on the zip file and Unblock

  6. Apply

  7. Extract the contents

  8. Double-click to run the Shinydocs Workflow installer

  9. Follow the prompts to install

Configuring Workflow in appsettings-workflow.json

  1. After you have completed installing the Workflow service, navigate to C:\Program Files\Shinydocs\Automation Workflow

  2. Open the new appsettings-workflow.json file with a text editor

  3. Update the parameter values with those from the old appsettings.json file

  4. Save changes

  5. Run Services.msc

  6. Locate and restart the Shinydocs Workflow service

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