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Searching with Shinydocs Pro Search

Accessing Shinydocs Pro Search

Your administrator will provide you with the URL to your organization’s Shinydocs Pro Search homepage. To access Shinydocs Pro Search, navigate to this URL in your web browser. We recommend bookmarking this URL for future use.

Role-based Access

Shinydocs Pro Search uses role-based access control to ensure that you see the content you have permission for.

You may have one or more roles assigned to you. You can view your assigned roles and switch between them if you belong to more than one.

  1. Click your User Profile in the top-right corner

  2. Select Preferences

  3. Select a role from the dropdown

Shinydocs Pro Search is automatically refreshed to reflect the role selected.

The appearance of Shinydocs Pro Search can vary based on the role you select. This is because administrators can define custom configurations for the following search features:

  • Advanced Search

  • Filters

  • Sources

  • Source Groups

Language Support

The default language for the Shinydocs Pro Search interface is derived from your browser. There are three options to choose from including English, Français (Canadian), and the default Browser Language.

  1. Manually override this by opening the Preferences menu under your Profile in the top right corner


  2. Select English or Français (Canadian) under Choose preferred language


  3. Save changes

Set it back to Browser Language any time.

Searching for content from online sources

Some sources from Microsoft online repositories, such as Exchange, OneDrive, and SharePoint, may be created. You will only see search results from these platforms if you are logged into them. You can manually check your login status or, if configured by your administrator, you can allow Shinydocs Pro Search to prompt you to log in during a search when required.

For OneDrive, only items that you own will be returned in search results. Items that you do not own but are shared with you will not be returned.

Manually confirming you are logged into Microsoft Online

  1. In the top right corner of the Shinydocs Pro Search page, select your profile

  2. In the dropdown, you will see your logged-in status for Microsoft Online

Logging into Microsoft Online automatically during a search

This feature is available if configured by your Shinydocs Pro Search administrator.

  1. Run a search against a source that contains Microsoft Online content

  2. If you are not logged into your Microsoft account, you will automatically be prompted to log in before the search results are returned

  3. Complete your login and view the search results

Searching from the Shinydocs Pro Search homepage

The Shinydocs Pro Search homepage allows you to perform natural language search queries of your corporate data from a familiar search interface.

Search Field

Performing a standard search

Specify your search query with a keyword or keywords in Search.


Shinydocs Pro Search returns a list of relevant results you have permission to review. Results include all metadata and extracted information, such as full text or added insights.

Searching by index fields 

Searching by index fields allows you to perform a search that will refine the results.

Prefix your query in the Search field with the name of the index field you want to search, followed by a colon ( : ) and the term you want to find (for example, creationTimeUtc:2021-05-04).

What does each index field mean?

Some fields can be used to refine search results within the index created by the Analytics Engine.

Date and number ranges require square brackets around the search term.

Index field




Limit results to those created on a specific date or within a specific date range

creationTimeUtc:[2021-05-02 TO 2021-05-03]



Limit results to a specific file extension



Limit results to those that have full text for a file



Refine results by the hash assigned to the file



Limit results to those modified on a specific date or within a specific date range

lastWriteTimeUtc:[2017-02-01 TO 2017-03-01]


Limits results to those where files are a specific size in bytes

length:[0 TO 100000]


Limit results to those with keywords associated with the file



Limit results to those that have a specific Enrichment tag value


Searching by Enrichment tags

You can search for documents, emails, and email attachments by tags as a keyword.

Specify your search query with a tag value in Search.

Tag values are not case-sensitive.

For more information about tags, visit the Enrichment View section of the Reviewing Search Results article.

Searching with operators

Searching with operators allows you to perform a further refined search directly from the search bar, including or excluding keywords.

Enter a combination of keywords and operators in Search.

Operators must be specified in all caps.






Use AND between words if you want results that contain all of the keywords

Similar to Match Option All words


Use OR between words if you want results that contain any of the keywords

Similar to Match Option Any words


Use NOT between words if you want results containing and excluding a keyword

Examples of Search Queries with Operators



cat OR dog

All records with either “cat” or “dog” are returned

cat AND dog

All records with both “cat” and “dog” are returned

cat NOT dog

All records with “cat” but no records with “dog” are returned

extension:pdf OR extension:dwg

All PDF and DWG records are returned

extension:pdf AND enrichmentTags:cat

All PDF records that have an Enrichment tag “cat” are returned


Match Options

Searching with a Match option

Match option searches allow you to combine words and phrases to limit, broaden, or define your search.

Specify your search query with an option selected from the Match dropdown.

What does each Match option mean?

There are four options when performing a Match search: Any words, All words, Contains, and Exact phrase.

Search Type

Case Sensitive

Wildcard Supported

How the Query is Built


Any words (default)



Searches for either of the words entered. Results are shown for files that contain either of the searched words.


Best used when searching in a specific field (for example, name:).

All words



Searches for all words entered, meaning all terms entered must be found in each result.


Best used when searching in a specific field (for example, name:).




Searches for terms entered exactly as they are entered.


A wildcard is applied by default therefore users do not have to specify.

Enhanced Wildcard fields are searchable in both upper and lowercase.

Exact phrase



Searches for the exact phrase, in the same order they are typed. Shinydocs Pro Search automatically wraps the search phrase in double quotes (“ ”).


Source Options

Performing a search from a Source or a Source Group

If your administrator has configured a content Source(s) or Source Group(s), you can filter by them.

Specify your search query with one or more options selected from the Source dropdown.

Selecting a source group will automatically select all sources within that group. To deselect a particular source from within a source group, uncheck the box next to the source you wish to deselect.


Read Advanced Searching for more search options.

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