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Configure Shinydocs Control Center Access in iManage

You must be an Administrator (NRTADMIN) in iManage Cloud to register an application. 

Remember to record the account(s) you configure and the Shinydocs application Client ID noted below. 

  1. Log in to iManage as an Administrator account. 

  2. Follow iManage’s documentation for Adding a package manually (

a) Application registration details 

iManage on-premises and private cloud customers

Name: Shinydocs  
Description: iManage analyzer 
Client ID: c0e5d05b-f8b8-4a26-afbf-4fa6953489da
API Secret: [prepopulated] or select Auto-Generate 
Publisher: Shinydocs Corporation 
Type: Native 

iManage multi-tenant customers

If you are a multi-tenant iManage customer, you will need to reach out to iManage support to register the application

b) In the Access step, select Custom 

Search for the account(s) or group that will be authorized to use this application. The accounts will only be for running analytics operations (data crawling). This user will later need to supply their username and password when setting up the source in Control Center. 

c) Finish reviewing and approving the application registration.  

  1. Store the account name(s) you granted permission to use the app, the API Key, and API secret in a secure location. 

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