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Uninstalling Shinydocs Pro Components

Uninstalling Shinydocs Pro is like most applications, you can uninstall via “Add or remove programs” or “Programs and Features” in Windows. There are eight components that will need to be uninstalled: 

  • Shinydocs Control Center 

  • Shinydocs Dashboards 

  • Shinydocs Extraction Service 

  • Shinydocs Search 

  • Shinydocs Search Engine 

  • Azul Zulu JRE 64-bit 

  • *Microsoft ASP .NET Core Shared Framework 

  • *Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) 

  • May be used by other applications. Shinydocs Pro installs these common dependencies if they are not already installed.  

During the uninstallation, data (all indexed data, settings database, configs) and logs are left in place. You can archive this data if you wish, or simply delete them from the system. Shinydocs recommends immediate action on left over files as it contains any metadata that was analyzed (including text content). 

The following locations contain the mentioned data and logs: 

  • [Install Location]\Shinydocs Professional (typically C:\Program Files\Shinydocs Professional) 

  • C:\ProgramData\Shinydocs 

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