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Adding your first filters to Shinydocs Search

Shinydocs Search allows administrators to create powerful filters that enable users to find data quickly with a variety of useful options and interfaces. When you first get started with Search, we pre-populate your Search setup with great filters that will help with your initial discovery phase, including:


PII rules


Redundant ROT rules


Obsolete ROT rules


Trivial ROT rules

Administrators can further customize these filters, remove them, or create brand new ones easily from the Shinydocs Search Admin panel.


Click “Admin” in the user menu or go to https://<your_search>/admin

This tutorial will guide you through adding the following filters to an existing source:

  • File size range

  • Created date date-picker

Let’s get started!

📘 How to add, remove, or modify filters

Filters are configured in the Admin panel (Click “Admin” in the user menu or go to https://<your_search>/admin).

  1. Navigate to the Admin panel in search.

  2. Click Roles in the navigation menu.

  3. Click Edit on the role you want to edit the filters for, Default Role is the built-in default role and is the one we will be working with today.

  4. In the Default Role role configuration, click Filters configuration.

📘 File size range

This type of filter is great when you want to search for content which contains a numeric field to search on like file size which is a field called length. This filter will allow users to search for files with a minimum length (size) of X and a maximum length of Y.

  1. Once in the Default Role role - Edit filters page, click + Add filter.


  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find your new, blank, filter.


  3. Enter and select the following:

    1. Index field name: length

    2. Type: Range

    3. Leave Keep filter open by default checked if you want this filter to be open (expanded) by default

    4. Units: Enter Bytes

    5. Title: Enter File size


      Yours should look just like this

  4. Click Save changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a range filter in Shinydocs Search!


Users can now enter the minimum or maximum file size (in bytes) and Search will dynamically adjust the results to include only those that match these conditions.

📘 Created date filter

The ability to filter by dates can be invaluable when searching for historical or archived content. This filter will allow users to select a date range for the created date of results.

  1. Once in the Default Role role - Edit filters page, click + Add filter


  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find your new, blank, filter


  3. Enter and select the following:

    1. Index field name: creationTimeUtc

    2. Type: Date

    3. Leave Keep filter open by default checked if you want this filter to be open (expanded) by default

    4. Leave Show quick select option in date picker checked if you want to enable quick filters (Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 30 days)


    5. Title: Enter Created date


Yours should look just like this

  1. Click Save Changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a date filter in Shinydocs Search!


Users can now filter search results by the created date (creationTimeUtc) of content, you can easily add an additional filter for the modified date (lastWriteTimeUtc) following the same steps.

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