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Shinydocs Pro Pre-Installation Checklist

The purpose of this checklist is to determine the readiness of an environment for a Shinydocs® Pro deployment. A project start may be dependent on the completion of this checklist. 

The single-machine configuration supports up to 40 TB of your data.




This software will be automatically installed when you follow the Shinydocs® Pro installation: 

  • Shinydocs® Search Engine 

  • Shinydocs® Dashboards 

  • Shinydocs® Extraction Service 

  • Shinydocs® Control Center 

  • Shinydocs® Search 

  • Java 17 Runtime Environment (Azul Zulu JRE 17.44.15) 

  • Microsoft® .NET Desktop runtime 8

  • Microsoft® .NET ASP Core runtime 8

  • Microsoft® Visual C++ Redistributable 


Scanning file share content requires that the file share(s) are on the same domain as the computer running Shinydocs Pro.


Please Note: The Shinydocs® Pro App works best with a service account with read (for scanning) and write (for file deletion) access in your desired repository. The service account will need interactive logon enabled (Group Policy dependent). 

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