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Configure Shinydocs Pro Control Center Access in Box


Box™ by Box Inc. has API limits that can incur costs to your organization. While the Cognitive Toolkit uses these API calls efficiently, depending on the volume of your data, you may go over your API limit. Please consult with your Box representative for more information.

To analyze content from your organization's Box repository, you will need to create a new application in your Box tenant for Shinydocs Pro. This guide will show you how to add the application and get the following details required for Shinydocs Pro to connect to Box:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Enterprise ID


  • Access to Box URL from server running Shinydocs Pro (internet connection required)

    • Example: 

  • Access to your organization’s Box Dev Console

  • Your account must have MFA enabled in Box to use client secret authentication

Steps - Box

  1. Log in to Box at Box Developer Console.


  2. Create a Custom App:

    1. Select Custom App and choose

      1. App Name: Shinydocs Pro Control Center

      2. Description: (optional)

      3. Purpose: Other

      4. Please specify: Analyzing content

      5. Who is building this application? (optional): Partner

      6. Please specify: Shinydocs

    2. Click Next.

    3. Authentication Method: Server Authentication (Client Credentials Grant)

    4. Click Create App.

  3. Configure your app and get connection details:

    1. Box Dev Console should automatically take you to your new application’s Configuration page. If not, find your newly created app in My Apps and click on the Configuration tab.

    2. Scroll down to the App Access Level section and change the access level to App + Enterprise Access.

    3. Scroll down to the Advanced Features section and enable:

      1. Make API calls using the as-user header

      2. Generate user access tokens


    4. Save your changes.

    5. While on the Configuration page, check the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section for your Client ID and Client Secret (you may have to click the Fetch code button).

  4. Approve the application (requires Admin)

    1. Within the app details (, click on the Authorization tab.

    2. Click on Review and Submit.

    3. Review the app details and provide a description, then click submit

    4. Navigate to (you should also receive an email if you are the administrator with a link to the approval).

    5. Click on Apps on the left > Custom Apps Manager.

    6. Find your newly created app in the list of apps, hover your mouse over the entry and click View.

    7. Click the Authorize button and confirm the authorization.

  5. Get your Enterprise ID:

    1. Go to

    2. You will find your Enterprise ID under Account Information.

Steps - Shinydocs Pro Control Center

  1. In either Quick-Start or + Add Source, select NetDocuments as your source

  2. On the next page, Shinydocs Pro will ask you for the following information


    Name: Provide a name for the source, this name will be used in Shinydocs Pro to differentiate it from other sources.
    Client Id:
    Example: 3dd36505ebdc41a09f409ccead986598
    Client Secret:
    Example: 4e77a0c7f11c45bc823da3306a03895d
    Enterprise ID:
    Example: 11245214

  3. Click Next

  4. Optionally, enter the User ID of the Box user you wish to analyze. If you do not enter an ID, all users will be analyzed where permissions are granted to Shinydocs.

    1. Box User IDs are the user’s email address.

  5. Click Start Analysis to begin the crawl.

  6. Congratulations, you have connected Shinydocs Pro to your Box repository! Your crawl will be added to the queue or will start crawling immediately

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