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Configure Shinydocs Pro Control Center access for File System/File Shares


  • The server Shinydocs Pro is installed on is part of the same domain as the source file system/file shares

  • UNC path(s) of the file share(s) you want to analyze (\\server\share). 

  • (optional) Service account with at least read access to the file shares to be analyzed. By default, Shinydocs Control Center runs as Local System on the server. If the server does not have access to the file shares, a service account will be required. 

The service account requires interactive logon enabled (Group Policy dependant)


  1. In Shinydocs Control Center (either in quick-start or + Add source)

  2. Under Add new source, select the File system option and click Next.

  3. You can give your source a specific name if you wish, otherwise, enter the details for the account you want to use to analyze your file system. This account is typically a service account that has read access to everything you want to analyze. If no username or password is given, Shinydocs Pro will attempt to analyze the given paths if it has permission to access them. Shinydocs Control Center runs as Local System.


  4. Enter the path (UNC (\\server\share) preferred) you want to analyze. If you want to add multiple paths, you can click + Add to add an additional path or + Add multiple to add multiple paths at a time.

  5. Click Start analysis to being analyzing your filesystem content!

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