Applying A Hotfix for Shinydrive Server
Shinydrive’s server component will occasionally need updating separately from the rest of the application. Fortunately this is a straightforward and strictly server-side task that takes minimal downtime and configuration.
The shinydrive-server.war file can be found in this application download’s zip file, and can be downloaded quickly. Support will be happy to provide the link as necessary.
Steps to replacing the shinydrive-server.war file on your Shinydrive server:
Download the zip file and extract the content.
Locate and set aside the file shinydrive-server.war
stop Tomcat 9. Wait for it to stop.
Locate the webapps folder in your active Tomcat deployment.
Inside this folder there will b a folder called shinydrive-server, and the old .war file. COPY this to a safe back folder such as C:\TEMP\old_shinydrive-server.
DELETE the folder and .war file under webapps. *** ONLY the ones named shinydrive-server ***
Start Tomcat 9.
Copy the new shinydrive.war file extracted in step 2 to the webapps folder.
Wait for it to deploy, the folder shinydrive-server will be created and populated by Tomcat.
Give the system a couple of minute to settle in (3-5).
In your server’s browser (Chome/Chromium-based), start your Shinydrive Admin Page. (http://localhost:8080/shinydrive-server/admin)
You should see your Shinydrive Admin Login Page:

You’re done.