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Shinydrive and Deleted Items

Some of the most common desktop applications delete files as part of their normal save process. For example, PowerPoint and Excel create a temporary file, then delete the original file, and move a temp file into its place. Those apps fail to save if they can’t physically delete the file. Shinydrive cannot delete a Content Server document when an application tells it to delete it because version histories would be lost.

The “Deleted Items” per drive feature gives the user a window of time to recover a deleted item themselves if they need to. It also provides temporary storage for those pesky desktop apps that need to delete as part of their save process. When a user attempts to delete a file, it will be stored in the respective drive’s “Deleted Items”. Shinydrive will not delete the file until two minutes have elapsed. If it cannot be deleted a warning displays to the user.

  1. Log into the Shinydrive Admin panel

  2. Navigate to Drives and Profiles

  3. Select the drive with which you wish to use this feature.

  4. Select Advanced Settings

  5. Scroll to the Deleted Items Expiry section

  6. Update with the new value (in minutes)

  7. Save

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