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Shinydrive Taskbar Menu Options

This menu is displayed when right-clicking on the green Shinydrive icon in the Windows taskbar.


Displays the Shinydrive Client Window.

If you are logged in to Shinydrive, this window displays which user you are connected as. Reconnect, Disconnect, and Shutdown buttons are also available.


Displays non-registry settings for the Shinydrive Client and local cache info:
Show Hidden Items: (Default - Unchecked) Shows items that are marked as “hidden” in your ECM.
Logging Enabled: (Default - Checked) Enables/disables client-side logging. We recommend this option is always enabled.
Clear Application Cache: This clears the local Shinydrive client cache.

Clearing the client cache will disconnect the client.

Cache Size: Displays the current size of the local Shinydrive cache
Version: Displays the current version of the Shinydrive Client.

Deleted Items

Displays if a delete action was unsuccessful. Users can re-attempt the action.

View Import Window

Opens a new window to show the progress of items currently being imported via Import to Records Management.

Pending Changes

Opens a new window to display any pending changes in Shinydrive (for example, document uploads, version uploads, or conflicts).

Items Available Offline

Opens a new window to display the items that are currently available offline for the user.


A flyout menu that displays the drives currently mounted in Shinydrive. Users can click on any of the drives listed to view the drive in Windows Explorer.


Reconnects Shinydrive to the Shinydrive Server. This will trigger a re-authentication.


Disconnects Shinydrive from the Shinydrive Server revealing the login window for Shinydrive.


Shuts down Shinydrive (shinydrive.exe).

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