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There are too many children in this folder to display


When accessing a drive the error message pops up “There are too many children in this folder to display”


Follow these steps to increase the number of folders to display:

  1. Log into Shinydrive Admin

  2. Select Drives & Profiles

  3. Click on the Content Sources section

  4. Select Advanced Settings

  5. Change the value of Maximum number of folders to display to a larger number (the default is 2000)

  6. Click on Save


Known issue:

If Shinydrive Admin does not retain this setting and reverts to 2000 rather than what has been manually configured a hotfix has been released, version and is available from support. You will need to refer to Applying A Hotfix for Shinydrive Server to update the shinydrive-server component.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.