Could not add document. There was a bad response from server
When uploading a larger sized file with Shinydrive to Content Server, an error occurs stating: “Could not add document. There was a bad response from server”.

Tomcat maximum memory pool size is too small, default pool size is 256MB.
Large file support requires more memory allocated to your Tomcat Java Virtual Machine. Follow these steps to increase your maximum memory pool. Remember, your memory allocation here should not exceed the available physical RAM on your server.
Simply open your Tomcat Service Manager from the System tray on your Server.
Stop your Tomcat Service from the General tab.
Click on the "Java" Tab - Here you can increase the Maximum Memory Pool.
You will need to consider the amount of memory available on your Server before changing this setting.
Increase this as appropriate and restart the Tomcat Service.
NOTE: We have tested it up to 8129MB and have seen success dealing with files up to 1.2GB