Uninstalling the Shinydrive Server
Following these steps will completely remove Shinydrive Server and its components.
Follow the instructions in Updating Shinydrive if you want to update the server to a new version of Shinydrive.
Follow the instructions in Updating to Shinydrive 365 if you want to update the server from Shinydrive to Shinydrive 365.
Uninstalling Shinydrive Server comprises a few manual steps Performed the following steps on the hosting machine to uninstall Shinydrive Server:
Navigate to C:\usr\local and delete the shinydrive folder
Open Services (services.msc)
Right-click the Apache® Tomcat service that is currently configured to run the Shinydrive Server and select Stop
Delete folders and files in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps, including the following:
cws folder
sd-csws folder
shinydrive-server folder
Open Services (services.msc)
Right-click the Apache® Tomcat service and select Start