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Configuring the Records Management Context Menu for a Profile

Users can bring up a Windows Explorer context menu by right-clicking on a file or folder. By default, menu items include, with their respective sub-menu items:

  • Records Management

    • Categories

    • Permissions

    • Versions

    • Copy Records Management URL to Clipboard

  • Make Available Offline

  • Move to Records Management

  • Reserve and Edit (if not in a reserved state)

  • Reserve (if not in a reserved state)

  • Unreserve (if in a reserved state)

Administrators can customize the presence of labels under the Records Management menu for each Profile. Also, the Records Management label itself can be altered.

  1. Log into Shinydrive Admin

  2. Navigate to DRIVES & PROFILES

  3. Select Advanced Settings of the Profile you want to update

  4. Scroll down to the Context Menu section

  5. Update the various settings that is appropriate to your use case

  6. Click Done

  7. Save

Users must Exit and restart the Shinydrive Client application for changes to take effect.

Content Server URL

This feature allows users to copy the full URL of a selected item in Shinydrive from the Records Management menu.

This feature applies to Shinydrive Server version or newer

Update this field with your Content Server’s URL.

Context Menu

Context Menu Title

Update the value in this field to replace the default label “Records Management”.

Updating the Records Management label will impact “Records Management”, “Copy Records Management URL to Clipboard”, and “Move to Records Management”.

After the Context Menu Title has been updated, clearing the field will not revert the value back to “Records Management”.

Context Menu Items

These items appear as options under the context menu Records Management.

  • Categories

  • Permisssions

  • Versions

  • Copy Records Management URL to Clipboard

Uncheck any or all of these options to remove them from the Records Management context menu.

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