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Mapping Content Server Workspaces to Drives

Content Server Personal and Enterprise Workspaces can be mapped to Shinydrive Drives.

Add a drive

Before mapping a drive, create the Source in the SOURCES section.

  1. Navigate to the DRIVES & PROFILE menu

  2. In the DRIVES section, click the +Add Drive button

  3. Enter a value in the Drive Name field

  4. Select a drive letter value

  5. Select a value from the Source dropdown

  6. Enter a value in the Root ID field (refer to Root ID table below for values)

  7. Click the Save button

After saving, assign the drive(s) to a Profile in the PROFILES section.

It is not necessary to add a different Personal Workspace for each user. Shinydrive will employ users' credentials to bring up their Personal Workspace.

Root ID Values

Source Type


Root ID Value

Content Server



Content Server



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