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As files and folders are created, Shinydrive assigns default (level 8) permissions to them, limiting who can view, edit, delete, or modify.

Shinydrive permissions can be applied to individual users or groups.

Viewing and modifying Shinydrive permissions can be done via Windows Explorer or the Shinydrive Web App.

Permissions may already be in place on a folder or file. For example, if you do not have "See/See Contents" on a given file, you will not be able to see it in Shinydrive.

Permission Types






Allows selected user to see that the object exists.


See Contents

Allows user to open the object in Read Only mode.
Also allows: See



Allows user to open, edit and save the object to Content Server.
Also allows: See, and See Contents


Edit Attributes

Allows user to edit the metadata of the object.
Also allows: See, See Contents, and Modify



Allows user to Reserve (and edit) the object.
Also allows: See, See Contents, Modify, and Edit Attributes


Delete Versions

Allows user to delete versions of the object through Content Server.
Also allows: See, See Contents, Modify, Edit Attributes, and Reserve



Allows user to delete the object through Content Server.
Also allows: See, See Contents, Modify, Edit Attributes, Reserve, and Delete Versions


Edit Permissions

Allows the user to change permissions to the object.
Also includes all other permissions for the user (highest permission).

Permissions from Windows Explorer

Update or View Permissions

  1. From Windows Explorer, right-click on a file or folder to pop up the context menu

  2. Select Records Management then Permissions

  3. In the Permissions popup, check or uncheck permission types for a user or group

  4. Click the Save Changes button

Add User

  1. From Windows Explorer, right-click on a file or folder to pop up the context menu

  2. Select Records Management then Permissions

  3. In the Permissions popup, click Add User button

  4. Toggle the Find by dropdown to select the type of search

  5. Enter search criteria in the field to the right of the Find by dropdown

  6. Click the Add User button

  7. Update permissions for the added user

  8. Click the Save Changes button

Add Group

  1. From Windows Explorer, right-click on a file or folder to pop up the context menu

  2. Select Records Management then Permissions

  3. In the Permissions popup, click Add Group button

  4. Enter search criteria in the Group field

  5. Click the Add Group button

  6. Update permissions for the added group

  7. Click the Save Changes button

If the group being searched for does not appear, contact your ECM administrator to add the group to the Content Server.

Remove User or Group

  1. From Windows Explorer, right-click on a file or folder to pop up the context menu

  2. Select Records Management then Permissions

  3. In the Permissions popup, find the row for the user or group that should be removed

  4. Click the x on the row

  5. Click the Save Changes button

Permissions from the Shinydrive Web App

  1. Locate the file or folder in the Shinydrive Web App

  2. Toggle the down arrow

  3. Select Permissions

  4. View or update permissions in the popup, as outlined in the “Permissions from Windows Explorer” section above.

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