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Testing Your Shinydrive Installation


If you have any questions about whether or not Shinydrive was installed properly, refer to the Shinydrive Acceptance Test to confirm.


The Acceptance Test provides a list of things to test for when doing a Proof of Concept (PoC) for Shinydrive (i.e. what things need to be tested and confirmed to be working with Shinydrive).

Shinydrive Acceptance Test

Note: If you encounter issues and need help, please contact for assistance.




Were you able to download and install the following components?

[  ]

  • v2 Shinydrive Server (shinydrive-server.war)

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  • Documentum Connector

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  • Shinydocs Content Server Module (for CS10, CS10.5 or CS16)

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  • Shinydocs Server

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  • Shinydocs Driver

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  • Shinydocs Client

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  • Shinydrive Office Add-In

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  • Shinydrive Outlook Add-In

Basic Configuration

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Ability to do a managed desktop import of folders, files and file shares,  from outside of Shinydrive, into Shinydrive

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Ability to do a managed desktop move of folders and files inside of Shinydrive

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Ability to map the Content Server Enterprise Workspace to a drive on a user's desktop

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Ability to map a user's Content Server Personal Workspace to a drive on their desktop

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Ability to map a specific folder within Content Server to a drive on a user's desktop

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Ability to block ("Forbidden") temporary types of files from being added to Content Server (e.g.: *.tmp files)

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Ability to allow ("Allowed") certain file types for adding to Content Server (e.g.: *.docx files)

Basic Functionality

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  • The mapped Content Server Enterprise Workspace shows up as a drive in Windows Explorer

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  • The user's mapped Content Server Personal Workspace shows up as a drive in Windows Explorer

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  • A specific mapped folder within Content Server shows up as a drive in Windows Explorer

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  • Clicking on a Shinydrive drive shows the same folders/documents as would show up for the same location in Content Server (e.g.: Enterprise Workspace).

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  • Ability to double-click on a Shinydrive folder and open it - displays the same sub-folders/documents as would show up for the same location in Content Server.

[  ]

  • Double-click on a Microsoft Word document in Shinydrive, will start up the Word application, and open it for editing.

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  • Double-click on a Microsoft Excel document in Shinydrive, will start up the Excel application, and open it for editing.

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  • Double-click on a Microsoft PowerPoint document in Shinydrive, will start up the PowerPoint application, and open it for editing.

[  ]

  • Double-click on a Microsoft Visio document in Shinydrive, will start up the Visio application, and open it for editing.

[  ]

  • Ability to create a new folder in Shinydrive.

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  • Ability to drag-and-drop from your Windows desktop into Shinydrive.

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  • Drag-and-drop the same named file from your Windows desktop into Shinydrive, will generate a Windows Explorer a Replace / Overwrite dialog.

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  • If an "Allowed" file type is dragged to Shinydrive, it will initially show with a "!" icon overlay, but if Windows Explorer is refreshed, the normal icon will show without the overlay.

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  • If a "Forbidden" file type is dragged to Shinydrive, it will show with a "!" icon overlay, and the user will not get a tool tip pop-up warning that this file will not be added to Records Management as it is a known temporary file.

[  ]

  • If any file that is not in Allowed or Forbidden is dragged into Shinydrive it will show with a “!” icon overlay, the user will get a tool tip pop-up warning that this file will not be added to Records Management

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  • A document Reserved by another user shows up with a red “Locked” icon, and the file is marked read-only in the file system properties.

Right-Click Menu Functionality

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  • In Shinydrive, if right-click on a document, confirm that a menu with "Records Management", "Reserve and Edit" and "Reserve" is displayed.

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  • Within the right-click Records Management menu, confirm that the sub-menu items "Permissions", "Categories", "Versions", "Copy Records Management URL to Clipboard" and "Deleted Items" are displayed if the user has the respective permissions on the object.

[  ]

  • If right-click on a document (that is not currently reserved) and select "Reserve", the document icon will show the green reserved overlay (refresh within Windows Explorer may be necessary to see this), and the user will get a tool tip pop-up reminder that the document is now reserved.

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  • If right-click on a document (that is currently reserved), the only the menu items "Records Management" and "Unreserve" are displayed.

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  • If right-click on a document (this is currently reserved) and select "Unreserve", the document reserved icon overlay will be removed (refresh within Windows Explorer may be necessary to see this), and the user will get a tool tip pop-up reminder that the document is now unreserved.

[  ]

  • If right-click on a non-Microsoft Office document (of a type that is allowed) and select "Reserve and Edit", will both reserve the document and then open it for editing in the appropriate native app.

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  • If right-click on a document (or folder) and select "Records Management/Permissions", a new window will open which will show Content Server permissions.

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    • If permission settings within this new window are modified, and click "Save Changes" any modifications are saved and reflected back in Content Server for this document (or folder).

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  • If right-click on a document (or folder) and select "Records Management/Categories", a new window will open which will show appropriate Content Server Categories (and Attributes) for this object.

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    • Attribute restrictions (such as required attributes) apply for any changes made in this Window.

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    • Category and Attributes have appropriate presentation on this Window.

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    • Any Category and Attribute changes made in this window, when "Save Changes" is clicked are saved and reflected back in Content Server for this document (or folder).

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  • Right-click on a document and select "Records Management/Versions", a new window will open which will show versions from Content Server for this document.

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    • Appropriate information for each version is displayed (File Name, Size, etc.)

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    • By clicking "Promote" for a given version, that will add it as a new version, making is the most current version for any editing.

[  ]

  • Right-click on a document and select "Records Management/Copy Records Management URL to Clipboard", will copy a link to the document in Content Server to your Clipboard. Test pasting this into a Web browser and confirm that it opens up Content Server at the "Overview" page for that document.

[  ]

  • Right-click on a folder and select "Records Management/Copy Records Management URL to Clipboard", will copy a link to the folder in Content Server to your Clipboard. Test pasting this into a Web browser and confirm that it opens up Content Server at the "browse" page for that folder.

[  ]

  • Right-click on a document and select "Deleted Items" will display the Deleted Items window.

Deleted Item Functionality

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  • When a document is deleted from Shinydrive (via Windows Explorer right-click Delete), after a warning about Permanently Deleting the file, it appears to be removed from Shinydrive.

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  • The "Deleted" file is actually removed from the Windows Explorer view, but is viewable in the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page until the Deleted Items Expiry period has lapsed (normally set to 60 minutes).

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  • The "Deleted" file is actually still in Content Server until the Deleted Items Expiry period has lapsed.

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  • The "Deleted" file can be recovered from the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page by finding the file and clicking the "Restore" button. The file is restored to where it was deleted from in Shinydrive.

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  • After the Deleted Items Expiry period has lapsed, the "Deleted" file will automatically be removed from the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page (assuming Shinydrive is still running) & also deleted from Content Server.

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  • Alternately, a file listed in the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page can be immediately deleted (both from Shinydrive and Content Server) by clicking the "Delete" button.

[  ]

  • When a folder is deleted from Shinydrive (via Windows Explorer right-click Delete), after a warning about Permanently Deleting the folder, it appears to be removed from Shinydrive.

[  ]

  • The "Deleted" folder is actually removed from the Windows Explorer view, but is viewable in the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page until the Deleted Items Expiry period has lapsed (normally set to 60 minutes).

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  • The "Deleted" folder (and any contents - including both sub-folders and documents) is actually still in Content Server until the Deleted Items Expiry period has lapsed.

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  • The "Deleted" folder can be recovered from the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page by finding the folder and clicking the "Restore" button. The folder (and any contents - including both sub-folders and documents) is restored to where it was deleted from in Shinydrive.

[  ]

  • After the Deleted Items Expiry period has lapsed, the "Deleted" folder (and any contents - including both sub-folders and documents) will automatically be removed from the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page (assuming Shinydrive is still running) & also deleted from Content Server.

[  ]

  • Alternately, a folder listed in the Shinydrive "Deleted Items" page can be immediately deleted (both from Shinydrive and Content Server) by clicking the "Delete" button.

Large File Support

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  • Ability to save a large (40-50) MB file (suggest Excel for testing this) into Shinydrive without issue.

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  • Ability to edit a large (40-50 MB) file once in Shinydrive without issue (other than the delay from Content Server in downloading the file).

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  • Saving a very large file (60 MB or larger) into Shinydrive, will generate "File exceeds maximum length" tool tip pop-up and the file will show up in Content Server with a "!" icon overlay, but will not be uploaded into Content Server.

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  • Create the "MaxFileSize" entry in the Registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Shinydrive - QWORD, value 60 000 000), then shutdown Shinydrive and then Restart Shinydrive, are able to save a very large file (50-60 MB) into Shinydrive successfully.

Microsoft Office Support

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  • Double-click on a Microsoft Word document in Shinydrive, will start up the Word application, open the document, and then prompt the user to "Reserve this Document?".

[  ]

    • If "Yes" is selected, will Reserve the document in Content Server and open it for editing.

[  ]

      • When the Word application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to first "Save Changes?"

[  ]

        • If "Yes" is selected, will upload the document as a version of the same document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected, will not upload the document to Content Server.

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      • After the above, will prompt the user to "UnReserve this Document?"

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        • If "Yes" is selected, will unreserve the document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected will leave the document as reserved in Content Server.

[  ]

    • If "No" is selected, will not Reserve the document in Content Server and will open it as "[Read-Only]", which is shown in the Title Bar for the document.

[  ]

      • When the Word application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to save as a new document.

[  ]

  • Double-click on a Microsoft Excel document in Shinydrive, will start up the Excel application, open the document, and then prompt the user to "Reserve this Document?".

[  ]

    • If "Yes" is selected, will Reserve the document in Content Server and open it for editing.

[  ]

      • When the Excel application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to first "Save Changes?"

[  ]

        • If "Yes" is selected, will upload the document as a version of the same document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected, will not upload the document to Content Server.

[  ]

      • After the above, will prompt the user to "UnReserve this Document?"

[  ]

        • If "Yes" is selected, will unreserve the document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected will leave the document as reserved in Content Server.

[  ]

    • If "No" is selected, will not Reserve the document in Content Server and will open it as "[Read-Only]", which is shown in the Title Bar for the document.

[  ]

      • When the Excel application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to save as a new document.

[  ]

  • Double-click on a Microsoft PowerPoint document in Shinydrive, will start up the PowerPoint application, open the document, and then prompt the user to "Reserve this Document?".

[  ]

    • If "Yes" is selected, will Reserve the document in Content Server and open it for editing.

[  ]

      • When the PowerPoint application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to first "Save Changes?"

[  ]

        • If "Yes" is selected, will upload the document as a version of the same document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected, will not upload the document to Content Server.

[  ]

      • After the above, will prompt the user to "UnReserve this Document?"

[  ]

        • If "Yes" is selected, will unreserve the document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected will leave the document as reserved in Content Server.

[  ]

    • If "No" is selected, will not Reserve the document in Content Server and will open it as "[Read-Only]", which is shown in the Title Bar for the document.

[  ]

      • When the PowerPoint application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to save as a new document.

[  ]

  • If double-click on a Microsoft Visio document in Shinydrive, will start up the Visio application, download the document, and then prompt the user to "Reserve this Document?".

[  ]

    • If "Yes" is selected, will Reserve the document in Content Server and open it for editing.

[  ]

      • When the Visio application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to first "Save Changes?"

[  ]

        • If "Yes" is selected, will upload the document as a version of the same document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected, will not upload the document to Content Server.

[  ]

      • After the above, will prompt the user to "UnReserve this Document?"

[  ]

        • If "Yes" is selected, will unreserve the document in Content Server.

[  ]

        • If "No" is selected will leave the document as reserved in Content Server.

[  ]

    • If "No" is selected, will not Reserve the document in Content Server and will open it as "[Read-Only]", which is shown in the Title Bar for the document.

[  ]

      • When the Visio application is exited, if changes were made, will prompt the user to save as a new document.

[  ]

  • Start up the Microsoft Word application; then create a Word document; can "Save As" and navigate within Shinydrive to the folder to save to. Once saved, the Word document is written to Shinydrive.

[  ]

  • Start up the Microsoft Excel application; then create a Excel document; can "Save As" and navigate within Shinydrive to the folder to save to. Once saved, the Excel document is written to Shinydrive.

[  ]

  • Start up the Microsoft PowerPoint application; then create a PowerPoint document; can "Save As" and navigate within Shinydrive to the folder to save to. Once saved, the PowerPoint document is written to Shinydrive.

[  ]

  • Start up the Microsoft Visio application; then create a Visio document; can "Save As" and navigate within Shinydrive to the folder to save to. Once saved, the Visio document is written to Shinydrive.

Microsoft Outlook Support

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  • Within Outlook, the Shinydrive "Pane" shows up on the right side within Outlook.

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  • Within the Outlook Shinydrive Pane, can collapse and expand drives with a single click.

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  • Within the Outlook Shinydrive Pane, can double-click to open any document, which functionality just like the normal Shinydrive view.

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  • Within Outlook, ability to drag an email from the left In-Box to the right Shinydrive Pane.

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  • Within Outlook, ability to open an email from the left In-Box with an attachment - then can drag the attachment to the Shinydrive Pane.

Single Sign-On Support

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  • When configured using OTDS and an Active Directory Domain, users do not need to enter their credentials to access Shinydrive.

Note: If you encounter issues and need help, please contact for assistance.

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