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Increasing the Maximum File Size for Shinydrive

By default, the maximum file size for an upload, via drag and drop, is 50MB. Depending on the types of files you are working with, you may want to increase or decrease the maximum file size for files uploaded.

  1. Log into the Shinydrive Admin panel

  2. Navigate to Drives and Profiles

  3. Select the profile with which you wish to use this feature.

  4. Select Advanced Settings

  5. Under Others, enter the Max File Size field value in bytes. For example, if you want the Max File Size to be 75MB, enter 75000000 in the field

  6. Click Done

  7. Within the Profile section, click Save

The Shinydrive client can now upload files up to 75 MB.

Users must exit and restart the Shinydrive Client application for these changes to take effect.

This change will limit file uploads executed via drag and drop method only. Files larger than the Max File Size value can be uploaded by using the right-click menu feature: Import to Records Management. 

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