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Setting up anti-virus directory and executable exclusions

For the performance and stability of the Shinydocs Cognitive Suite, ensure you have set up the proper exclusions with your security/Anti-Virus solutions. While these items should be scanned before they are installed, we do not recommend operation without exclusions. These exclusions are for the server(s) running the Cognitive Suite solution.

Anti-Virus Directory Exclusion List

For simplicity, it may be easier for your security team to exclude one path. Add an exclusion for [drive]:\shinydocs AND place all products in that directory

Your environment may differ slightly. The following list is assuming you have installed the solution on the C:\ drive. Please adjust based on your actual installation

  1. C:\Shinydocs\indexer

  2. C:\Shinydocs\visualizer

  3. C:\Shinydocs\cognitive-toolkit-x.x.x.x
    Note: This is the directory that would contain the Cognitive Toolkit executable and dependencies for the executable

  4. C:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-ediscovery-x.x.x.x

  5. C:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-open-clustering-x.x.x.x

  6. C:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-script-executor-x.x.x.x

  7. C:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-ediscovery-server-x.x.x.x

 Anti-Virus Executable Exclusion List

  1. CognitiveToolkit.exe

  2. OpenClustering.exe

  3. eDiscovery.exe

  4. shinydocs-script-executor.exe

  5. node.exe

Other Considerations

  1. There will be a significant negative performance impact on crawling, extracting hash values, and text extraction for files on a source (ex. File share, Content Server) if the source is actively scanned by Anti-Virus solutions. Crawl speeds will be limited by the throughput of the Anti-Virus processes

  2. Please disable any scanning of local network traffic on the servers the Cognitive Toolkit solution is installed on

  3. Please disable the scanning of network traffic between server nodes for the Cognitive Toolkit solutions. This traffic operates on ports 9200 and 9300 unless configured otherwise

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