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Installing Shinydocs Extraction Service

Shinydocs Extraction Service is a required service to run the Shinydocs Cognitive Toolkit text extraction tools (AddHashAndExtractedText and/or ExtractEntities).

Java/OpenJDK 11 must be installed before installing Shinydocs Extraction Service.

Getting Started

  1. Download Shinydocs Extraction Service from Shinydocs Collab. Navigate to the downloaded zip file: shinydocs-extraction-[Version]-[YYYY-MM-DD].zip.

  2. Open the right-click menu and select Properties.

  3. Under the General tab, select the checkbox to Unblock.

  4. Select Apply.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Open the right-click menu again for the zip file: shinydocs-extraction-[Version]-[YYYY-MM-DD].zip

  7. Select Extract All….


  • Open the folder: shinydocs-extraction-[Version]-[YYYY-MM-DD].

  • Open the file: ShinydocsExtraction.Setup.exe.

  • Select Yes to allow this app to make change to your device. The Setup Wizard will open.

  • Port Number: At the prompt, specify a new port number or proceed using the default port number (default: 55555). Select Next to continue.

If you change the default port number (55555), the port number you choose must be in the range of 49152-65535.

NOTE: When running the Shinydocs Cognitive Toolkit text extraction tool (AddHashAndExtractedText) or entity extraction tool (ExtractEntities), ensure the default is also changed to this new port number.

If the new port number is 50123, for example, the --extraction-service-url needs be edited accordingly:

Default option: --extraction-service-url http://localhost:55555

Updated option: --extraction-service-url http://localhost:50123

  • Java executable location: The installation wizard automatically detects the location of your Java executable. Use the Browse… function to edit the default location. Select Next to continue.

  • Destination Location: The installation wizard automatically installs Shinydocs Extraction Service to your Program Files. Use the Browse… function to edit the default location. Select Next to continue.

  • Setup is now ready to begin installing Shinydocs Extraction Service. Select Install to begin the installation.

  • Setup extracts files and installs Shinydocs Extraction Service.

  • Select Finish to exit Setup.

Congratulations! Shinydocs Extraction Service is now installed on your computer!


  1. Open the Services app in Windows.

  2. Select Shinydocs Extraction in the list of all the services that are installed on the operating system.

  3. Select Stop the service.

  4. Navigate to Program Files > Shinydocs > Shinydocs Extraction.

  5. From the Shinydocs Extraction folder, run unins000.exe.

  6. Select Yes to allow this app to make changes to your device.

  7. Select Yes to completely remove Shinydocs Extraction Service and all of its components.

  8. Select OK. Shinydocs Extraction Service was successfully removed from your computer.

If you forget to stop the Shinydocs Extraction service before uninstalling, some files will still remain in the Shinydocs Extraction folder in your Program Files. These files will need to be deleted manually to complete the uninstall.

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