Installing Shinydocs Extraction Service
Shinydocs Extraction Service is a required service to run the Shinydocs Cognitive Toolkit text extraction tools (AddHashAndExtractedText and/or ExtractEntities). The Shinydocs Extractor is ideally installed on the same system as the Cognitive Toolkit is deployed on.
Getting Started
Download Shinydocs Extraction Service from Egnyte:
(link)Navigate to the downloaded msi file:
.Open the right-click menu and select Properties.
Under the General tab, select the checkbox to Unblock.
Select Apply.
Select OK.
Please ensure that you log into the server with the Service Account.
Open a Command Prompt as the Administrator
Locate the files downloaded (see above), we’ll presume these are in E:\Software and that the software will be installed into E:\Shinydocs. Navigate to E:\Software.
Execute the following command from the Command Prompt:
shinydocs-extraction-<version>.msi INSTALLFOLDER="e:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-extractor"
Verify the service is present in the Windows Services tool.

Congratulations! Shinydocs Extraction Service is now installed on your computer!
The default port assigned to the Shinydocs Extractor is now 9711. If there is a need to change this the value can be updated in the service.config
file found in E:\Shinydocs\shinydocs-extractor
If you change the default port number (9711), the port number you choose must be in the range of 49152-65535.
NOTE: When running the Shinydocs Cognitive Toolkit text extraction tool (AddHashAndExtractedText) or entity extraction tool (ExtractEntities), ensure the default is also changed to this new port number.
If the new port number is 50123, for example, the --extraction-service-url
needs be edited accordingly:
Default option: --extraction-service-url http://localhost:9711
Updated option: --extraction-service-url http://localhost:50123
Open the Services app in Windows.
Select Shinydocs Extraction in the list of all the services that are installed on the operating system.
Select Stop the service.
Navigate to Program Files > Shinydocs > Shinydocs Extraction.
From the Shinydocs Extraction folder, run unins000.exe.
Select Yes to allow this app to make changes to your device.
Select Yes to completely remove Shinydocs Extraction Service and all of its components.
Select OK. Shinydocs Extraction Service was successfully removed from your computer.
If you forget to stop the Shinydocs Extraction service before uninstalling, some files will still remain in the Shinydocs Extraction folder in your Program Files. These files will need to be deleted manually to complete the uninstall.