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Configuring Microsoft Online Settings

Connect Discovery Search with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, enabling the search of SharePoint Online and Exchange Online.

This article assumes that you have already registered Shinydocs software with Azure AD as part of your Cognitive Toolkit setup. Refer to Setting Up Azure Authentication in the Cognitive Suite documentation.

Please ensure Token Authorization has already been configured in Azure AD as described in Preparing for Integration of Microsoft Online Applications with Discovery Search.

Configuring Azure AD

  1. Open Discovery Search Admin

  2. Select Application settings at the bottom of the navigation sidebar

  3. Select Microsoft® Online settings

  4. Fill in the following settings

    1. Azure AD client ID: This can be found on the overview page of the App registration in the Azure portal.

    2. Azure AD tenant ID: This can be found on the overview page of the App registration in the Azure portal.

    3. Azure AD secret

    4. Azure AD Redirect URL: This is the URL that Azure AD will redirect to once the user is authenticated properly. This should be in the form of http[s]://[DiscoverySearchServerName:Port]/azuread/success. Note: /azuread/success is mandatory after you have specified the Discovery Search server name and port.

  5. Save changes

Configuring SharePoint Online

For more information on using the Cognitive Toolkit to crawl SharePoint refer to Crawling SharePoint Online and Best Practices: Crawling Microsoft SharePoint.

  1. In the SharePoint Online section, enter the URL of your SharePoint Online instance

  2. Update Permission chunk size with the number of index items that are permission checked upon retrieval from the index

  3. Save changes

  4. Restart the Discovery Search application in IIS

Reduce the Permission chunk size if you are experiencing slow performance while connecting to SharePoint.

If the system does not experience any rate limits or performance issues then you can slightly increase the chunk size to get more results per load.

Note that we recommend the default value (50).

Validating the Integration of SharePoint with Discovery Search

  1. Open Discovery Search

  2. Click the dropdown menu in the top right corner

  3. Select the Reconnect option under Microsoft Online

  4. A Microsoft Online Login popup displays. Once you have logged in, a success popup displays.

  5. Close the popup

  6. Execute a search in Discovery Search for items that are in SharePoint online

If you are already logged into SharePoint, the login prompt in Step 4 is skipped.

Configuring Exchange Online

To improve search performance and enforce user permission-based access to content, we recommend adding an Exchange index. Ensure a crawl with Shinydocs™ Cognitive Toolkit 2.10 or later is run against the Exchange instance and an index is created before configuring Exchange Online with Discovery Search.

  1. In the Exchange Online section, enter the URL of your Exchange Online instance

  2. Update Permission chunk size with the number of index items that are permission checked upon retrieval from the index

  3. (optional but recommended) Under Email filtered indices, click + Add Index

  4. Enter the name of the index derived from Exchange Online

  5. Save changes

  6. Restart the Discovery Search application in IIS

Reduce the Permission chunk size if you are experiencing slow performance while connecting to Exchange.

If the system does not experience any rate limits or performance issues then you can slightly increase the chunk size to get more results per load.

Note that we recommend the default value (50).

Validating the Integration of Exchange with Discovery Search

An index of the Exchange data must exist before Discovery Search can be used to find emails. Ensure a crawl with Shinydocs™ Cognitive Toolkit against the Exchange instance is completed before testing.

  1. Open Discovery Search

  2. Click the dropdown menu in the top right corner

  3. Click the Reconnect option under Exchange Online

  4. A Microsoft Online Login popup displays. Once you have logged in, a success popup displays.

  5. Close the popup

  6. Execute a search in Discovery Search for emails that are in Exchange online and that you own

Configuring OneDrive

  1. In the OneDrive section, update Permission chunk size with the number of index items that are permission checked upon retrieval from the index

  2. Under OneDrive filtered indices, click + Add Index

  3. Enter the name of the index derived from OneDrive

  4. Save changes

  5. Restart the Discovery Search application in IIS

If an index (or indices) is not specified for OneDrive here no search results will be returned, even if it is configured as a Source for the Role that the user belongs to.

Reduce the Permission chunk size if you are experiencing slow performance while connecting to OneDrive.

If the system does not experience any rate limits or performance issues then you can slightly increase the chunk size to get more results per load.

Note that we recommend the default value (50).

Validating the Integration of OneDrive with Discovery Search

  1. Open Discovery Search

  2. Click the dropdown menu in the top right corner

  3. Click the Reconnect option under OneDrive

  4. A Microsoft Online Login popup displays. Once you have logged in, a success popup displays.

  5. Close the popup

  6. Execute a search in Discovery Search for in OneDrive that you own

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