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Cognitive Toolkit (April 2023)

Here is where you will find information on feature enhancements and fixed issues that are part of the Cognitive Toolkit (April 2023) release.


Configure category and attribute default inheritance behaviour when migrating documents


Previously, when migrating documents to OpenText™ Content Server, all category and attribute defaults were automatically inherited.
Default inheritance behaviour when migrating documents to Content Server can now be configured to prevent categories and attributes from automatically being inherited.

How to enable

The following key is added to the CognitiveToolkit.exe.config file:

<add key="DisableCategoryAndAttributeInheritance" value="false" />

When set to a value of false (default), category and attribute defaults are automatically inherited.

When set to a value of true, category and attribute defaults are not inherited.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.