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Shinydocs Pro 24.6.0 (August 2024)

What's New? 

Shinydocs Pro 24.6.0 includes the following key features: 


Data Remediation through the Content Catalogue: This version of Shinydocs Pro offers the ability to filter, archive, and dispose of your data with a complete audit trail and generated reports.  This includes the ability to filter by modified date. 

Add source improvements:  

  • Users now have the ability to add multiple paths and locations when adding file share sources. 

Improved Application Resiliency 

  • Improved experience and messaging for error cases across our platform 

  • Re-architecture and tuning of logging to make it more consistent, effective and useful 

Rules improvement: Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial NSFW rules are now split into 3 tiers with updated wording for better filtering and reporting. 

Exchange Online reporting enhancements: Users emails are now prepended to path of all items so you can easily tell immediately which mailbox the emails and attachments are in. 

Various System Improvements

  • Upgraded to OpenSearch 2.15.0 which includes performance and security improvements 

  • Upgraded Extraction Service and Search Engine to Java 21. Both services now use the embedded JRE rather than system installed Zulu JRE. We’ve also removed Zulu from JAVA_HOME environment variable 

  • Control Center appsettings.json can now be persisted across upgrades with an optional override file 

  • Priority of settings files (Higher number wins) 

  1. [Install-Location]\ControlCenter\appsettings.json 

  2. [Install-Location]\ControlCenter\appsettings.Production.json 

  3. (Optional, never updated on upgrade) C:\ProgramData\Shinydocs\ControlCenter\appsettings-override.json 

  4. (Optional, never updated on upgrade) C:\ProgramData\Shinydocs\ControlCenter\appsettings-override.Production.json 

  • Negotiate Authentication can now be turned off in the Control Center appsettings.json 

  • Removed discrepancy between the way Microsoft calculates file size and the file size displayed in Control Center


Fixed Issues: 

  • Numerous bug fixes 

  • Fixed issue with Enterprise Search being installed on a domain-joined machine and then breaking when the user leaves the network. Enterprise Search will now work when off-domain network in this situation. 

  • Fixed security vulnerability with System.Text.Json  


Additional Notes: 

  • Significant size reductions and improvements to platform installer and bundle installer 

  • Data Remediation is currently based on the query filter selected, which could in some race conditions be slightly different than the items selected. For a future release we will be changing to be item-based rather than query-based to allow more granularity. 

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