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Adding and Configuring Data Sources in Shinydocs Pro


Adding data sources in Shinydocs Professional enables the Shinydocs Control Center to analyze data within that source. Each source has different requirements when they are originally set up and the requirements for each source should be reviewed before proceeding. 

You can follow this guide for your initial getting started source, or by clicking + Add source in the Sources tab. 

Note: You can have multiple sources of the same type (File system, SharePoint Online, etc.). Each source configured can have multiple paths/sites/etc. set. 


Source type 


File System 

  1. Server is on the same domain as the source file shares 

  2. UNC path(s) of the file share(s) you want to analyze (\\server\share). 

  3. (optional) Service account with at least read access to the file shares to be analyzed. By default, Shinydocs Control Center runs as Local System on the server. If the server does not have access to the file shares, a service account will be required. 

The service account requires interactive logon enabled (Group Policy dependant)


  1. Manual application registration performed for Shinydocs in iManage  
    [Link to “Configure Shinydocs Control Center access in iManage”] 

  2. Server Uri (typically

  3. Username 

  4. Password 

  5. Client Id 

  6. Client Secret 

  7. Library, Workspace, or Folder ID to analyze 

SharePoint Online 

  1. Site URL (ex.

  2. Application ID 

  3. Tenant ID 

  4. Certificate file location (obtained from Azure portal) 

For more information registering Shinydocs Control Center in iManage click here

For more information registering Shinydocs Control Center in Azure for SharePoint Online click here


File system 


  1. Review requirements for File system analysis. 

  2. Under Add new source, select the Type File system. 

  3. In the File paths field, enter or paste the path to analyze. 

  4. If you have more than one path to analyse, click + Add more to add additional paths to this source. 

  5. If you need to use another account other than Local System, enable Enter credentials to provide the username and password for the account. 

  6. Click Add. 

  7. The new source will start to be analysed momentarily. You can check the progress in the Sources tab in Shinydocs Control Center. 



  1. Review the requirements for iManage analysis 

  2. Enter the following information from your iManage instance: 

  3. Server Uri: the main site to access your iManage space (typically

  4. Username: the username of the authorized account in iManage 

  5. Password: the password of the authorized account in iManage 

  6. Client Id: ID string provided by iManage when you registered the application 

  7. Client secret: secret string provided by iManage when you registered the application 

  8. Under Library, Workspace or Folder ID enter by name the Library or Workspace, or the Folder ID string. Click + Add more to add additional locations to this source. 

  9. Click Add to add the source to Shinydocs Control Center.

SharePoint Online


  1. Review the requirements for SharePoint Online analysis. 

  2. Enter the following information from your Azure instance: 

  3. Site URL: The main root URL of your SharePoint instance (ex. 

  4. Application ID: The application ID provided by registering the application in Azure. 

  5. Tenant ID: The tenant ID provided by registering the application in Azure.  

  6. Certificate file location: Full file path to the certificate generated by registering the application in Azure. Do not wrap the path in “double-quotes”. 

  7. Under Site enter the specific site you want to analyze in this source (ex. ). Click + Add more to add additional locations to this source. 

  8. Click Add to add the source to Shinydocs Control Center.  

Exchange Online and Netdocuments

For Exchange Online please follow this article: Configuring Azure Authentication for Microsoft...

NetDocuments insights are coming soon.

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