Shinydocs Pro Release Notes (current)
A chronological list of release notes relating to Shinydocs Pro v25.x (25.0.0 - 25.x.x).
Release 25.1.3:
New features & improvements
A user can now go to Settings > Logs > Logging settings and change the logging to the desired level.

Bug fixes
Release 25.1.1:
New features & improvements
New filter options are available on the Overview page
It is simpler to remove filters on the Overview page

Bug fixes
Release 25.0.0
Improvements to existing features
Text extraction libraries (IronOCR and IronPDF) updated to the latest versions
Set report row limit for each CSV when exporting from the catalogue
On upgrade, installer remembers where the application was previously installed
Bug fixes
Fixed an Extraction error in AddHashAndExtractedText for SharePoint Online in the CLI tool
Notifications page no longer updates the password upon saving
Visit Release Notes Archive to view release notes for prior Shinydocs Professional releases.