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Windows Blue Screen (BSOD) When Renaming Files/Folders in Shinydrive


When renaming a file or folder via Windows Explorer in Shinydrive with a very long name, Windows may crash and cause a blue screen (a.k.a BSOD). The blue screen will typically display PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA


We have found that there is a conflict with bhdrvx64 and Shinydrive. "bhdrvx64" is a Norton Component and you will be able to see the follow entry in the MEMORY.DMP file that Windows generates:

fffff880`099f7650 fffff880`054d4d3f : 00000000`00000001 fffff880`099f7798 fffffa80`09e5fcf8 00000000`00000000 : BHDrvx64+0xb78c2
fffff880`099f76b0 fffff880`0163c0f7 : 00000000`00100004 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000105 fffff800`0331ad2b : BHDrvx64+0xb6d3f


Please contact Symantec Support. You may need to update your Norton products.

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