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Configuring End-user Authentication (2.4.3 or earlier)

Administrators can customize how Shinydrive users access the Shinydrive Client and the connected drives.

Enabling Single Sign-on (SSO)

Shinydrive can use Windows domain credentials (for example, domain\user) to authenticate.

SSO with Shinydrive currently only works with OpenText™ Content Server.

Before enabling SSO, enable the HTTP Negotiate authentication handler in OpenText Directory Services (OTDS).

Before enabling SSO, ensure autologin is set to false in the Shinydrive registry section.

  1. Shut down the Shinydrive Client on the user’s machine

  2. Open Windows Registry (enter "regedit" in Windows Run)

  3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\shinydrive

  4. If it does not exist, create a new STRING key called SSO

  5. Set the value to true

  6. Restart the Shinydrive

Enabling Auto Retry for SSO

The Auto Retry option is useful for users, connecting via SSO, who experience intermittent network connection drops. When Auto Retry is enabled, the Shinydrive Client will attempt to reconnect infinitely.

  1. Shutdown the Shinydrive Client on the user’s machine

  2. Open Windows Registry (enter "regedit" in Windows Run)

  3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\shinydrive

  4. If it does not exist, create a new STRING key called AutoRetry

  5. Set the value to true

  6. Restart the Shinydrive Client

Enabling Auto Retry in Attempt Counts

This should only be used if the infinite AutoRetry is not enabled (see Enabling Auto Retry for SSO).

When Auto Retry in Attempt Counts is enabled, the Shinydrive Client will attempt to reconnect a maximum number of times. If not enabled, the default count is three (3).

  1. Shutdown the Shinydrive Client on the user’s machine

  2. Open Windows Registry (enter "regedit" in Windows Run)

  3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\shinydrive

  4. If it does not exist, create a new DWORD (32-bit) key called ConnectRetryCount

  5. Set the value to 5

  6. Restart the Shinydrive Client

If the value is set to 5, the Shinydrive Client will retry the connection 5 times, each attempt in 30-second intervals.

Enabling Auto Retry in Intervals (Seconds)

When Auto Retry in Intervals is enabled, the Shinydrive Client will attempt to reconnect after a set count of seconds.

  1. Shutdown the Shinydrive Client on the user’s machine

  2. Open Windows Registry (enter "regedit" in Windows Run)

  3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\shinydrive

  4. If it does not exist, create a new DWORD (32-bit) key called ConnectRetryInterval

  5. Set the value to 30

  6. Restart the Shinydrive Client

Enabling OTDS Authentication

When OTDS Authentication is enabled, an Authentication Flow is displayed instead of the standard Shinydrive login window.

If authentication is successful, an OTDSSESSION cookie is set in the embedded browser.

Shinydrive uses this cookie with the web service call to get a valid Content Server token.

Both SSO and autologin must be set to false in the Shinydrive registry section.

  1. Shutdown the Shinydrive Client on the user’s machine

  2. Open Windows Registry (enter "regedit" in Windows Run)

  3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\shinydrive

  4. If it does not exist, create a new STRING key called UseOTDSAuthentication

  5. To enable, set the value to true

  6. If it does not exist, create a new STRING key called OTDSAuthenticationURL

  7. Set the value to a fully qualified domain name or an IP address

  8. Restart the Shinydrive Client

Enabling Automatic Login

  1. Shutdown the Shinydrive Client on the user’s machine

  2. Open Windows Registry (enter "regedit" in Windows Run)

  3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\shinydrive

  4. If it does not exist, create a new STRING key called autologin

  5. To enable, set the value to true

  6. Restart the Shinydrive Client


Enabling HTTP Negotiate in OpenText Directory Service (OTDS)

  1. Log into OpenText™ Content Server as an Administrator

  2.  Select Content Server Administration from the Admin dropdown

  3. Open Configure Directory Services

  4. Log into OTDS as an Administrator

  5. Select Authentication Handlers (or Auth Handlers)

  6. Locate and enable http.negotiate

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