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Customizing Profile Appearances

Tailor the appearance of Shinydrive for each Profile. Appearance properties include:

  • Folder View

  • Login View

  • Tray Notifications

  • Background Color

  • Banner

  1. Log into Shinydrive Admin

  2. Navigate to DRIVES & PROFILES

  3. Select Advanced Settings of the Profile you want to update

  4. Under the Appearance section, update the setting(s)

  5. Click Done

  6. Save

Users must exit and restart the Shinydrive Client application for changes to take effect.

Folder View

Prioritize Icon Overlays

Occasionally Windows icon overlays override Shinydrive icon overlays. When this feature is enabled, as the Shinydrive Client starts up, a prompt displays asking permission to rename the Shinydrive icon overlays in the registry. Renaming the Shinydrive icon overlays ensures they are not overridden by Windows. This feature is most effective with Windows 10.

Windows User Account Control is required for this feature.

Show Hidden Items

Enabling this feature exposes hidden folders in OpenText Content Server while accessing with Shinydrive.

Login View

Logging into Shinydrive takes users through a sequence of two authentication panels. The first panel displays the Profile and the Server fields. The second panel displays the Username and Password fields. Profile and Server values are cached after users log into Shinydrive for the first time, making it possible for them to skip the first of the two login panels the next time they log in. Select both the Hide Profile field and Hide Server URL options to allow them to skip to the second panel.

Select either of these options to remove them from the first panel.

Tray Notifications

Administrators can control which Shinydrive notifications a user sees.

  1. Select the appropriate Profile and click Advanced Settings

  2. Under Appearance toggle the Disable Tray Notifications dropdown

  3. Select the appropriate option for your use case (refer to Tray Notification Options for descriptions)

  4. Scroll down to the bottom and click Done

  5. Save

Tray Notification Options




No notifications are blocked.


Only informational notifications are blocked.


Informational and Warning notifications are blocked.


Informational, Warning and Error notifications are blocked.


All notifications are blocked.

Enabling the Folder Loading Message

Shinydrive can display a Loading Large Folder Structure warning when a user is accessing a folder structure that exceeds 100 items. This feature is used to notify users that what they are seeing in the mounted drive may not (yet) reflect the actual full contents of the folder as stored on the associated ECM. 

  1. Select the appropriate Profile and click Advanced Settings

  2. Under Appearance check Show Folder Loading Message

  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click Done

  4. Save

Login Background Path

Update this field with the path to an image that users see as a background on the Login panels.

Background Color

Update this field with a hexadecimal colour value to alter the colour users see in the View Import window. This window is accessible from Shinydrive in the Windows system tray.

Banner Path

Update this field with the path to an image that users see as a banner in the Shinydrive Settings window, the Pending Changes window, and the Items Available Offline window. These windows are accessible from Shinydrive in the Windows system tray.

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