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Installing the Workflow Service

Workflow is a backend service that monitors data, performs document recognition, and initiates the Workflow process.

The Workflow service is powered by Cognitive Suite.

Cognitive Toolkit is bundled with Shinydocs Review 2.4 and later:

  • A separate installation is not required for Cognitive Toolkit

  • A license for Cognitive Toolkit is required and must be activated


Setting up this service involves three steps:

  1. Create a Source file

  2. Run the Workflow installer

  3. Installing the Shinydocs Extraction Service

  4. Activate the Cognitive Toolkit license

What You Will Need




Workflow service installer


Custom configuration files modeled based on the documents for review

Shinydocs Extraction Service

Extraction Service that works with Cognitive Toolkit (obtained from the Collaboration Tool)

Cognitive Toolkit license

Provided by Shinydocs (obtained from the Collaboration Tool)

Creating a Source file

The Workflow service requires a source file that contains the credentials and login information so that it can access your ECM repository. Source file samples can be found in Cognitive Suite documentation, under Source Settings Files.

For example, an OpenText Content Server source file will require the following items:




Content Server account used for migration


Password for the username


Used for REST calls

Running the Workflow Setup Wizard

  1. Right-click on the shinydocs-workflow-[VERSION]-[DATE].zip file and Unblock

  2. Apply

  3. Extract the contents of the zip file

  4. Double-click shinydocs-workflow-[version]-installer.exe to start the Setup Wizard

  5. Follow the prompts

  6. On the index information panel, accept the default Index Name and Index Server Url or overwrite with an alternative on the first Application Configuration step

  7. On the custom files panel, Browse for and select the locations for the following:

    1. Assembly dll file: This is the Workflow Plugin, a library of custom code designed to extract insights from the documents.

    2. Content Server Source json file: This is the source file of Cognitive Toolkit, containing the connection source information for Content Server.
      Note: These files are unique to your application and may have been created with the help of Shinydocs support.

  8. On the monitor types panel, select the monitors you wish to enable

    1. Select File System Monitor if you want Workflow to monitor the file system

    2. Select Index Monitor if you want Workflow to monitor the index

  9. On the custom folders panel, accept the default Workflow folders or create your own and Browse to select (read the Workflow Folders Structure section of Migrating to Content Server with Review for details about the folders)
    Note: UNC paths are supported.

    1. For monitoring incoming documents: \Shinydocs\Automation Workflow\Processing Folders\Monitoring

    2. For processing documents: \Shinydocs\Automation Workflow\Processing Folders\Processing

    3. For documents that have been successfully processed: \Shinydocs\Automation Workflow\Processing Folders\Success

    4. For documents that require further inspection before processing: \Shinydocs\Automation Workflow\Processing Folders\Unknown

  10. On the Content Server indexing panel, accept the default index names or overwrite them

  11. On the automatic indexing panel, accept the default or uncheck
    Note: If automatic indexing is not enabled, indices must be created and maintained by some other process.

  12. On the next two indexing start panels, accept the default NodeIds or overwrite them

  13. Finally, click Install to start the installation process or go Back to review the various configuration settings

  14. Windows Service Account: Once installation is complete, the Wizard will prompt you to enter credentials for the Windows Service Account for your file share. Enter your username and account password

  15. Click Login to continue

  16. Once login to the Windows Service Account is confirmed, click Continue

If you exit out of the install wizard without setting up the Windows Service Account, Workflow will be installed but the service itself will not be. You must go through the installation again to finish setting up the credentials for the service to be configured and ready to run.

The Windows Service Account is the user account that the Workflow service will run as. It is required as the credentials for the Cognitive Toolkit are encrypted to the user, not the machine. Additionally, it allows easier control of access to network shares, which you can’t do with logging on as localsystem.

This account requires read/write access to the Monitoring, Processing, Success and Unknown folders, as the automation service needs to move files between them.

A folder named “cog”, containing Cognitive Toolkit, will appear in the Workflow folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Shinydocs\Automation Workflow).

Starting the Workflow Service

  1. Run Services.msc

  2. Locate the Shinydocs Workflow service

  3. If it is not in a Running state, right-click and select Start

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Workflow!

Installing the Shinydocs Extraction Service

Please refer to Installing the Shinydocs Extraction Service.

Activating the Cognitive Toolkit License

  1. Copy and paste the license into the CognitiveToolkit.exe location (for example, C:\Program Files\Shinydocs\Automation Workflow\cog).

  2. Open a command window and change directory to the CognitiveToolkit.exe location:

cd C:\Program Files\Shinydocs\Automation Workflow\cog
  1. Activate the license by running the following command:

CognitiveToolkit.exe activate -p [licenseFileName.xml]

Green text “License activated.” displays in the command window.

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